Basic 16F84

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Sorry for my basic question

Q> what is ICSP?
In Circuit Serial Programming

Means that you connect a 5-wire cable to the target circuit to reprogram it in place, rather than pry the PIC out and take the chip to the programmer.
I was under this assumption as well but it seems that later pics shouldn't have MCLR connected direct to Vdd.

From the 16F876A data sheet,


Figure 14-5 in the datasheet gives an upper bound for the value for one of the resistors and a lower bound for the value of the other, but doesn't seem to indicate what the capacitor value should be. Any ideas? or have I just not looked carefully enough?
I think setting a resistor <40k is neccesary between MCLR and vdd now.

I searched the datasheet of 16F84A as david said a capacitor must be included and also i found out that another resistor and diode is needed.

Q> What is the value of C and diode that i must used?


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The diode and second resistor isn't really necessary. Just put a 22K or 33K (or thereabouts) resistor between MCLR and VDD.

A 0.1uF capacitor between VDD and VSS is a good idea. Place it as close to the chip as possible.
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Q> What is the value of C and diode that i must used?

The description under the data sheet illustration you attached indicates R is anything <40K, (10K is typical, I believe), and R1 100<R>1K. The cap is usually .o1 uF, and the diode can be a small signal, such as 1N4001.

I just starting learning assembly a few days ago, and have already filed several working programs. I suggest you start very simply, and build from there.

A very good tutorial source is **broken link removed** You may not have the PICs he uses, but don't let that stop you. They are available as samples from Microchip.

Good luck.
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I have question how do i know the value of capacitor?

I mean is there is a way i can calculate it.

If there is a way please show me.

Thanks in advance.
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