Basic & ISIS sim

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Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Is there a procedure to simulate OSHONSOFT BASIC debugging in ISIS? I'd like to set code breakpoints etc and track variables. Or do I have to 'read' the assembler routines represented by the BASIC instructions?

i am running an app. that uses a serial to parallel 4 digit 7 segment LED display chip and I can't simulate that chip in Oshonsoft.
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After compiling, all you need to do is open isis and load the hex file generated by oshonsoft and run after all connection. Is there any other problem?
I use ISIS and after the oshonsoft compile (I use compile & load) keep the watch var's window open and transfer varables to ISIS watch window, if you create a running varable i.e. "Dim codeWatch as word" and increment after each line (just for debug puposes) you can set that varable to stop / pause ISIS on change in the watch window so you can have good debugging.

Thats how I do it. I am working on a COFF convertor but it's taking me some time.

Cheers Ian
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