Basket ball hoop counter

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New Member
For my gcse project think of a basket ball counter that counts the amount of time the ball passes through the hoop. I think ill use a IR beam and when the IR beam is broken it will send an electrial impulse to the counter. On a LED display the number 1 will light up the if the ball passes through again number 2 and so on. Should be pritty simply i think but sorting out where the ir beam will go and where the wires will go however theres my project.
If you put the beam at the rim it may count balls that go partially in and then bounce back out. You may need a delay circuit that doesn't count unless the beam is broken for a given amount of time. The minimum is probably the time it takes for the ball to go through the hoop from a high arched shot that goes cleanly through the hoop.

Why dont you count the balls as they drop out of the bottom of the net.??
that might sense balls that brush the net though. i would use 2 sensors, one on the rim and one on the bottom of the net, so that it must pass through both to count
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