Best way to Correct a P-P Amp?

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Space Varmint

New Member
In the base bias or RE? It's pulling too hard on one side. It's a low signal amp & did not feel I needed a matched pair.
I guess a P-P amp is a push-pull amp.
Without a schematic of it we are just guessing about what is wrong.
Well it's pretty sure to be 'designed' completely wrong

OK, let me do a schematic. I thought a Push-Pull was a Push-Pull. But let me make the schematic. Obviously Nigel has no idea what one looks like. He's good at critisizing but I haven't seen any schematics of anything he makes. You Nigel. You!

Man, My receiver will pull a QRP signal out of BCI everywhere and the transmitter already goes a good 800 miles on two watts. So bash away. I want to see some of your stuff. Oh, maybe he can karate chop a circuit board and make it work.
OK I through this together real quick. I got to run back out again.

I just want an answer to see if it will save me time.

I know you can do both the bias and RE but which is quickest or do I need to do both? See, I know that you can even used un-matched pair with power transistors by using adjustable voltage regulators. I've seen it done.


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