Bipolar bench power supply circuit and pcb?

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I have for toroidials here, 12v/12,5A each and I want to make a bench power supply. There are a lot of circuits on the net, but I haven't found one which suits my needs:

- two outputs: used individual or as a symmetric supply (for example +30/0/-30 volt)
-adjustable current limiting
-adjustable voltage, down to 0

I'm looking for a circuit + pcb-layout

Anyone any suggestions? Thank you!
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I'm thinking because you said bipolar you want a linear supply. If you use 2 of the 4 transformers for each supply you probably will be limited to +/- 20 volts or so. If you want to utilize the full 12.5 amps you will burn a lot of power as heat at the lower voltage settings. Maybe two settings +/- 10 and +/- 20 volts (one or 2 transformers) to reduce the power in the output transistors????
There is a linear supply posted here by bounty hunter that you could search. I have one I have designed but not built, but I am away from home for a few weeks.
This Power Supply can do what you want, But you need to Build Two of them.

**broken link removed**
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Is it also possible to connect 2 supplies in series when I use a voltage doubling rectifier with some optional diodes?
(The positive supply will be fed with the voltage arround c1 and the negative supply with the voltage arround c2)

I know it's a bit dirty (half way rectification) but it's for short expiriments only.

-I've allready tought about switching the ac input. Won't I get any problems with induction voltage?
-I want to use this circuit: It's in dutch, but it's about the pictures.
-Yes, I want a lineair supply. By bipolair I mean a supply with a +, 0 and a -. Is "bipolair" the right word for such a power supply? (As you may have noticed english is not my native languange)

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