BIST(Built-in Self Test)

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Plzz tell me how could I implement BIST in PC RAM ? I am thinking of doing a project in embedded systems. I read about BIST on wikipedia and it sounds good, plzz tell me could it be a suitable field to work on it for my major project. Is it wide enough ?
BIST is customized to the project being built. It adds software/hardware so that the unit can test itself for proper operation. It can be done on a chip level or system level, it just depends upon the project. You have to decide how you want to test the system and then design the system to perform the test. There's no single generic BIST design.

What does PC RAM have to do with an embedded system?

What do you mean "Is it wide enough?"?
I want to design BIST for memory testing in verilog. Could'nt I do it for RAM. I was asking wide enough in context for time it takes to do,Is it suitable for a duration of one semester?
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Memory testing is fairly simple so I don't think it's a semester project.

BIST of a custom digital IC could be complex enough to last a semester.
Thanks Sir,
Please tell me how much is this Computer Science and how much Electronics. As I am Computer Science student should I take this as my major.
I am afraid that it is purely electronics. I was redaing about it from last few days on net.
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probably it could help you **broken link removed**
@ramdev follow up with me, I m also doing a project in mBIST.
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Built In Self Test is no doubt a nice technical project.

Anybody familier with this please tell if any sophisticated hardware is needed for that?

Means how could a Test Program can be embedded into the memory? are any dedicated

hardware is needed for that?

I want to implement BIST in Smart cards.
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