Thank you very much.
Shouldn't I add that branch? I added it because all the element of A should be fed to the summing point just before the integral box. Where do I have it wrong? Could you please tell me? Thanks.
I have to assume that you don't yet understand how to make block diagrams from the state-space equations. I think MrAl did a good job of explaining this above.
Basically, you should start with an integrator for each state. Then, label the inputs to the integrators as x1_dot, x2_dot etc. and the outputs as x1, x2 etc. Now apply each state equation to the x1_dot, x2_dot etc. In this way you will fully define all states in the block diagram. Then you can generate all outputs using the output equations. The inputs will automatically be generated in the block diagram as you need them.
So, in this specific place, you have it wrong because you are trying to apply the x1 state equation element A12 to the x2_dot input in the block diagram.