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BP gulf oil well problem

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As for Obama, I'm guessing that if Duyba can run the country from his ranch in Crawford, then "O" can probably run the effort from Washington.
This comment is a real joke- get real. I gather you support Obama or at least you voted for him, so I'm poking at a nerve?
This comment is a real joke- get real. I gather you support Obama or at least you voted for him, so I'm poking at a nerve?

Who I vote for is my own damn business. If I want to read a joke, I'll look at your postings.
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A Southern man voting democrat, now that is funny... But then again a lot of Yankees tend to end up down here these days. Personally, I haven't voted in years, there just hasn't been any strong leaders to get excited about. Usually, already seems pretty well decided before hand. This last election was a joke, and knew the outcome from the moment Obama announced he was running. Was kind of hoping somebody would dig up some dirt, but he really hadn't gotten caught doing anything (good or bad), besides the minority votes, there were too many people wanting to get the old guys out of it, we already knew what to expect there, not much... This oil spill will hopefully kill his second term dreams, as it will still be washing ashore, and people will still be waiting for some sort of compensation checks...

Doesn't look like there is going to be much of a choice for 2012 either. Now, would be a good time for somebody to step up, and get a solution rolling. Something besides tough talk and finger pointing, the mess is made, there are bigger issues besides mopping it up and bathing birds.
What's even funnier is a man who doesn't even participate in the process commenting on anyone's voting habits.
This is weird saying this, but you guys need a hobby =O
Personally... I need a job.

I know the feeling, I was planning to go on to nursing school but I am getting school burnout. So now I am in EMT school (I started this week) So hopefully I will be driving this cool rig/ ambulance soon.

**broken link removed**
What's even funnier is a man who doesn't even participate in the process commenting on anyone's voting habits.

What's funny about it, none of the candidates were any better. It would have been pointless, made no difference at all. Not really funny, just a sorry group to choose from. McCain probably would have been slightly better, since he has much more experience in politics, but would have been pretty much the same response to the oil spill. Was a little concerned about how long he'd actually be able to do the job, and his choice of a stand-in, if his health failed...

Clinton won't run again, she had to spend her own money, which must have really tore here up, cardinal sin of the wealthy, never spend your own money.

So back to the spill containment... From what I'm gathering, the cap is still leaking considerably, and they are working on another one to put over that. They are also recovering more oil, than they can processes/collect on site, and talking about burning the surplus (bet Al Gore is furious), so we still get toxic oil spewing in the water, and toxic gases in the air over the gulf as well. Just can't seem to catch any breaks on this one.
Yeah, it's very funny, don't even bother to vote, and then comment on someone else's voting ( especially funny if you don't even know how that person votes ) Anyone who doesn't even have the gumption to participate comments on anyone else's participation.. that's hilarious :p
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Originally Posted by BrownOut
Who I vote for is my own damn business.

Thank you for confirming my suspicions.

I've confirmed nothing. Thank you for minding your own business.
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Yeah, it's very funny, don't even bother to vote, and then comment on someone else's voting ( especially funny if you don't even know how that person votes ) Anyone who doesn't even have the gumption to participate comments on anyone else's participation.. that's hilarious :p

Well, I'm glad you enjoy voting so much, just didn't see much difference in the choices offered. I'm glad your choice mattered, and you got what you wanted, he's really making history for us...

Florida is starting to get more than chunks of tar washing up on the beaches, guess the really heavy nasty oil is just a day or two away now. Some beaches or closed to swimming, so just have signs warning of the health risks. It's going to be a bad year, for those who depend on those tourist dollars on our west coast, well probably several years actually. I knew I should have gone to the beach last weekend, as it would probably be a longtime before they are nice again. Least we still have the east coast for a while.
i dont spose it realy matters who votes for who. i am in the uk but the impression i get of the american system is as follows..........a bunch of rich people pick a spokesman for them and fund him with a **** load of cash to get him voted in. he makes loads of noise and is aloud to tinker with things while everything that realy matters is kept from him. i think the real decisions are made behind the scenes by people in the shadows, i doubt any president realy knows what the hell goes on. it seems like the USA is way too big a place both geographicaly and economicaly for the kind of voting system you have. ok i accept you have congress but they rely on being told the truth wich i doubt they rarely are. most political decisions are based on what a politician belives will keep them in power rather than what is the right thing to do.
looks like i am bashing your politics but i'm not, i look at our own system in despair. before our elections here i predicted that whoever got in there would be a month or two break then they would start announcing that the cuts that need to be made would have to be deeper than they first thought and things are far worse than they knew about before the election.
guess what our primeminister is now saying things are worse than he first thought etc. should theese people be even be in power? how come i knew the uk was deep in **** and they didnt? dosnt bode well when the people in charge are so blind ;).
anyway the real point is we are all to blame for what happened with the oil. we have dwindling supplies and the oil companys need to drill deeper risckier wells to get to it, corners have to be cut to keep the oil flowing and the profits high. people want oil as cheap as they can get it this alone puts pressure on to take risks, the solution???? to be honest i cant see a solution we are oil dependent and i cant see viable alternatives that wouldnt cost us all more than we would be prepared to pay. its also interesting to read around the web how many people in the USA say how teriable it is about the spill but they are staying away from the affected areas, how about going there spending some cash to keep the local economy happy and taking a spade and bin bag to the beach and pick some the oil up??? reason is simple...its easier to talk rubish and complain on the web by proffesing how much you care a situation than actualy going to help sorting it out.
Oh, you've confirmed plenty to me!:p

I confirm nothing, I deny nothing. I might have voted independent. I might have voted third party. I might have written in my vote. I might not have voted at all. You don't know how I voted, because as I've said, it's my business.
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I know the feeling, I was planning to go on to nursing school but I am getting school burnout. So now I am in EMT school (I started this week) So hopefully I will be driving this cool rig/ ambulance soon.

**broken link removed**

How long have you been in school? I thought you were in a technical program.
I have to agree with Harvey and HiTech's comments.

I did vote, but only hoping my 1 vote would out weigh the acorn scam. But that it did not work. As well, I know a number of Southerners (GA, NC, FL) that voted Obama for change. Well, they got that now (and are not happy with it either). A lot of them voted for Clinton as well.
I confirm nothing, I deny nothing. I might have voted independent. I might have voted third party. I might have written in my vote. I might not have voted at all. You don't know how I voted, because as I've said, it's my business.

So you made a mistake, millions of other voters made the same choices. Didn't matter who you voted for, or didn't, we all lost on this one.

Need to scan in the latest letter my company sent out concerning our Health insurance, and Obama-Care changes to expect for next year. Will post it in the appropriate thread if I can dig it up. Not too encouraging so far, but can only hope they haven't gotten to the good parts of the bills/law yet, if any...

From the news video, it looked like every wave coming up on the beach, carried a new supply of tarballs and oily gunk, left behind on the sand. Kind of looks like that battle is lost. Maybe somebody will think of a good use for those tarballs, and oil globs, so people will be out scooping up buckets of the stuff. I have to wonder, what are they going to do with all that material they collect, recycle? Anyway, we have millions of people out of work, collecting a check for 99 weeks, seems like there is plenty of work available now. But of course, most didn't go to college, because they intended to get their hands dirty (got a few supervisors at work like that). The thing about the oil clean up though, is it's a toxic mess, you need proper equipment and a little training to limit exposure. Can't just send people in, without some safety measures.

After they capped the well, it still seemed like there was a lot of oil spewing out into the water. The camera is further away, and higher resolution, wonder if they did that to make it look like they made some progress and improvement, or if it has actually reduced the flow...
So you made a mistake, millions of other voters made the same choices. Didn't matter who you voted for, or didn't, we all lost on this one.

Nope, I didn't make a mistake. No idea what your comment was supposed to mean, probably nothing.
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On another note it didn't take long. I received the following email this morning...

Surprised it took so long for the lawyers to get going. :)



  • Oil Spill Lawyers.jpg
    Oil Spill Lawyers.jpg
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