Built-in protection?

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I've been using some of these opto-relays.

**broken link removed**

and there's a transient voltage suppressor fitted in parallel with the output.

I decided to see how I could check if the suppressor is connected correctly, so I made the relay turn on and off an automotive electromechanical relay. When I disconnected the transient voltage suppressor, the Omron GMVM-61G1 appeared to limit the voltage to around 70 V. The waveform was very similar to what it had been with the transient voltage suppressor in circuit, but peaking at a higher voltage.

Certainly the GMVM-61G1 survived the inductive spikes while switching several times a second for half an hour or so. It appears that it behaves like a transient voltage suppressor itself.

In that case, why is it that Omron don't advertise that feature? Their data sheet says that suppression components for inductive load are important, but I've found that the GMVM-61G1 relays survive fine, and limit the voltage spikes perfectly well.
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