Buzzer ON 1sec for every 5 secs.

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I need to turn ON a buzzer 1sec for every 5 secs intervals.

How can I do this from two 555 timers?

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You mean from a single 555 timer?

I need to turn ON a buzzer 1Sec & OFF for 5 Sec & repeatedly.Can this do with a single timer?
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Yes, it can be done with a single timer using asymmetric duty cycle, like this.

**broken link removed**

Hi Boncuk thanks for your valuable input.That's the one I'm going to use.

But I calculated using a 555 calculator.
Frequency = 0.367 Hz,Cycle time=2.723 S for the above values
Hi Boncuk thanks for your valuable input.That's the one I'm going to use.

But I calculated using a 555 calculator.
Frequency = 0.367 Hz,Cycle time=2.723 S for the above values

Sorry, I'm not good at math. I just looked for a duty cycle of 20%. The effect of the diode should be considered in the calculation as well.

You get closer using 1M for R1, 6M8 for R2 and 1uF for C1

To make it more precisely you should use trimpots.

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Hi please see my attachment.Please suggest some resister values in the kilo-ohms range.


  • Trigger 1S.JPG
    12.9 KB · Views: 101
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Hi please see my attachment.Please suggest some resister values in the kilo-ohms range.

I told you already I'm not good at math.

How about you calculating new values? Last not least it's going to be your circuit. I just suggested a way to achieve the goal.

Use a 100uF cap for a start.

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suraj143, I think something that is confusing people is that you say you want to turn on a buzzer. Does the buzzer have a built-in oscillator already (you connect power and it buzzes automatically) or is it just like a speaker, and you need to create the oscillations on your own? The second one would require two 555 timers, one to control the sound of the buzzer, and another one to control the timing of it.

Der Strom
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