Can anyone recommend the output stage for transimpedance circuit using MOSFET

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Actually, it is CMOS MEMS circuit

As show in the attachment, I am looking for the output stage for transimpedance in order to lower the output resistance.

The output stage that I'm using is look like inverter(for digital circuit). Someone say it does not work, so I am looking for the other one.

any suggestion please

thank you


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Seems to me you only need to bias the one you already have. You need to have both devices silghtly on when the input is zero. Otherwise, you'll have a huge deadban in your output.
a comparator with a push pull output stage should work. Have you looked at one of these...? What current do you need to drive?
the current comes from photo diode around 1uA

and, is it possible to have output voltage around 1V (using 0.35 COMS process with L_max = 20um W_min = 0.4um)
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