change program from 16f84a to 16f818

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Totally blank

New Member

Since my last posts I have had some great help from a member here to get my project off the ground, we decided pots would be best for speed and stroke so had to upgrade to the 16f818 chip

The problem now is just running a basic set of commands

StepCCW 150, 1000
WaitUs 1000

StepCW 150, 1000
WaitUs 1000

Goto loop

The above works 100% with the 84a BUT when using it in the 818 it stutters, searches, just generally behaves very erratic.

The 84a has a 4meg OSC the 818 needs to be set so we added this to the top of the file

OSCCON = 0x60

It is still verry erratic, am I missing something?

I am using the Oshonsoft Bacis compiler and ICProg

ICProg settings are intRC, CP Off, WRT Off, FUSES: PWRT & MCLR are ticked and the rest are unticked.

Any help would be greatfully appreciated, thanks
Have you setup ADCON1 so you have the correct pins as analogue or digital?

Did you get my email regarding what is connected to PIC pins 15/16 on the 16F84A socket??
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