Yes and where you live its considered reasonable for any novice to make high explosives and set them off with next to zero knowledge.
Yes, My country, my rules. Your country, not my rules. You like your nanny state, we don't! What is so hard to follow there?
Direct flame cracking on a small scale is not safe, on a large scale its being phased out.
Safety is relative, You have a nanny state mentality we don't have. Got credible proof and timelines and how they are being phased out and to what alternative system they are going with that's in any way relative to your thread?
Your only mention is having plenty of BTU's at your disposal and references to used tires etc. The fact you mention open flame cracking i would consider proves my point your thinking of open flame.
And again, Your assumptions are not reality nor are your concerns mine. I will use whatever method I find most practical to work with and that is all there is to it. You won't change my mind by the methods you are going with now. Especially with nanny state based excuses derived from your assumptions that do not fully apply to me.
Other countries read this forum, the advice your giving pertains mainly to one part of the world. Your information is extremely dangerous and while you may care, i certainly care if people think its perfectly safe to do just because you said it was.
Yes, Welcome to the internet where everyone has to take their own local rules in consideration when looking at what others suggest from anywhere else in the world. Your laws are not everyone's laws and most people know that. Same with those who post information to the internet. I don't care what your laws tell you to do or not do and I most certainly have zero concern to cater to things that do not matter to me here.
Do you think any of your postings would pass in some highly regulated country? Probably not so do you censor what you post anywhere anyway to the maximum level, just in case, somebody from such a place would ever manage to read what you posted? Everyone's standards for safety or anything else are different so learn to deal with your safety and whatnot issues on your end. Nobody but my owns safety is my problem and I expect no less actions for others and theirs.
Again another big difference between where you live (which is almost third world in its approach to environmental issues) and the rest of us, its better to clean an oil to the point it dosnt need to be out doors to be safe or meet regs, rather than just take a lazy dont care attitude and spew toxins everywhere.
And I should care what you or your nanny state thinks, why? Do you make an effort to adhere to other countries various rules, even if they don't apply to you and you seen zero validity in them? Those people who live there think you're some sort of monster too, just as you do me, because you're not living up to their standards and don't care too as well.
I tried all that in the begging by posting papers in other threads, it was clear you were unable to understand the content. So rather than try and make you look silly i stopped posting them,
I'm pretty sure that's not what happened and we both know it. Everything I read pretty much proved me as right as it proved you and you didn't like it. How many times did you pull up my own links and proclaim you were right, for something I already pointed out and agreed with you on or that uttery refuted your own claims ,but you claimed proved you right and me wrong anyway? Too many times to not see the blindness in your views. Just as you are hypocritically doing here now by saying your views of the world count but mine dont while you also have to dismiss others rules to live your life the way you do.
You more than anyone should be aware i am ALWAYS able to back what i say with high quality scientific papers from quality journals, i unlike yourself do not rely on random websites with no credibility.
Too often it's been the other way around and you know it. Plus, if you dismiss mine because you don't see them as valid I get to do the same to you. I play by the very rules you play by so if you don't like my game then don't make rules you don't like to be held to yourself.
I havnt called you a liar or suggested you are one, other words spring to mind way before those ones, but people can judge on what is posted to back what you say.
You read between the lines to find things that are not there so I am doing to you. You don't like it dont play it.
As for what others do, I let them decide what's right or wrong for them. I don't try and dictate what they should think or believe based on my own standards. They have brains and I trust they can use them on their own to decide what's best for them without me holding their hand all the way. I don't know what they think and I don't care to try and imagine them for them. They have their own lives so they get to live them as they see fit.
I notice you mention my age yet again, i am sure you think this is some kind of trigger for me, i can assure you it isnt. I am proud of my age, i am proud that despite not doing a degree first i was excepted on and i am doing extremely well on a post undergraduate degree, i was allowed to do this because of the depth of both ability and knowledge i displayed to a panel of highly educated people.
It's not to trigger you. It's to point out to adult that you are still a kid of limited real life experience and thusly they need to take your advice accordingly. Adults get it and its value and importance. You like to point out things you think matter to others views of my credibility so I get to do the same to you in return. You don't like it, don't do it to others or learn to live with it.
Those that actually know me, and indeed one well respected member on here who is in business with me, will tell you that my attention to detail and research skills are way above normal. That might sound arrogant and to others i am sorry if it does, but the point is when i post on these types of subjects i know what i am talking about.
Exactly my point. I don't know you or your real life or who you work with anywhere and thusly don't try to read anything negative into your life just because it fits some wild self justifying imagination of mine but I do know your still a kid of limited life experience just the same (but you do it to me to fit your false narratives constantly) . Ambition and idealisms are not a substitute for long hard earned experience and wisdom.
Yes, Your/their own locally applicable legal frameworks. Yours don't count where they are not a part of someone else's system of governance. Yo may not like it but the fact is much your laws and personal beliefs can pound sand in their value where I and countless others live.Anyone can burn oil or make methane, but try and so it efficiently,safely and within all MODERN legal frameworks.
I am sorry for the above, i tried in the beginning, in other threads to provide decent back up references. Even when it became clear who was working from facts and who was not, the other poster is insecure and will not admit it.
Now you're just projecting, again. Nobody derailed your thread over butthurt feelings but you and we all can read that. In fact as you have been called out other threads for, you seem to be the key factor in your own threads running off course (ones I have had zero participation in no less) and always for your need to do what you are doing here. Project your feelings and beliefs onto others who don't care what you believe or think.
I dont mind that at all, my concern and the sole reason i have posted so strongly this time, i do care that many people who never register here but use the information, are given the correct information. In future i will post back up evidence for quality sources, i wont bother responding to links from random websites or pure speculation.
We will see and I have doubts since you have made similar claims like this before. If what you say is true and fact based nobody will have issues but if what you say is driven by your views and agenda like too many of your posts are with limited or even contradictory supporting evidence you will keep getting what you get here.