Coil Winding - Turns Counter

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New Member
I was wondering if theres a simple Pic circuit/code for a simple counter already out there? I have to wind some coils for a Faraday generator, using a power drill for the winding operation. As the turns are around several hundred, I was looking for something that would give me the incremental turns count on any LCD. I have 2x16 char LCD's already in stock..

Im ok with the turn sensing and electronics stuff, and building the pcb for the unit etc, but, I don't write code I do have a PIC programmer here though.

I used to have an 'electro-mechanical' counter, but think this got binned, due to its slowness.

Any pointers/links would be cool and appreciated.


Note to self.... Must learn pic programming.... some day.
Well, nigel's tutorials got everything you need...

Code & scematics to drive a LCD off a 16F628, and convert a counter to decimal to print on an lcd...
Unless your motivation is to use electronics to count the turns, the easiest way to count turns is to use a mechanical counter. You can get them cheap and they will give you 1/10 turn resolution with a range of 0-9999.9 turns. They work just like a mechanical odometer. The company I work for uses a simple setup just like this for their coil making needs.

If you have to do it controller based, I would simply use a cheap optointerrupter to get the pulses to count turns. Besides Nigel's tutorials, there is very extensive documentation on the Internet related to the standard LCD interface.

cheers phalanx, yup, would be simplest using electro-mech counter. But I'd have to 'buy' that. I have loads of LCD's, Pic's & opto-interuptors etc knocking around, so thought I'd save some pennies, plus it would be a more fun

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