Super Moderator
I sat back long enough.
So what does he expect a 20 KV 60 Ma arc to do to insects other than turn them into flaming carbon dust?
Is this device just supposed to put out a continuous duty HV HF corona discharge opposed to an actual sustained electric arc?
The demands and power levels required for each are considerably different.
You're picking at it again, tcm. I thought we already went through this.
tcmtech... Your a clever man... I have seen your posts for some months now.... I think you could come up with a viable design that could do this... Just because a fly back transformer would struggle with the current requirements... Can we not boost the output with two+ transformers.
As the host already HAS a unit that manages to do this.. Surely someone on this forum could come up with a design.
I would sincerely like this competition to succeed so that others could get designs by similar merit... I think its a great way forward....
Thanks for your vote of confidence, Ian. I agree with you--there are plenty of members here who could do a great job with this project if they'd just pull their heads out of their........I mean...if they'd just let go of the details and just focus on the outcome.
Best wishes,