component I.D please?

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Did you not scroll down? After the scan you'll see this --> "Since it's impossible to read the parts list for the Syntom circuit, here it is...."
ooops! sorry guys *red face*

I still have another question though, pin 1 isn't an output according to the pin out for this device?
ooops! sorry guys *red face*

I still have another question though, pin 1 isn't an output according to the pin out for this device?

No, it's pin 6, as is 'clearly' shown on the PCB layout.

I've just tried to find the original article, and I'd have posted a better scan - but I can't find that issue.

It's from 1981, so 30 years old - there were a number of Syn???? projects that year, and the magazine ended at the end of the year, and became 'Electronics - The Maplin Magazine'.
Thanks for the mag info Nigel....i didn't think to check the schematic against the PCB layout which of course would have explained it.

I am learning so many techniques and fault finding clues from you guys, this is an amazing forum.

thankyou so much!

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