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Component identification

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I don't know what exactly are you asking me, I measured voltage in the motherboard connector and posted results above, as well as IDE power connectors and floppy ones. Where should I measure the voltage?
I connected the PSU to the motherboard and tested between black and orange and red wires in IDE connector. Voltages are unestable and lower than normal, it can be also noticed on the PSU fan as it doesn't get enough power to completely spin.

If I disconnect the PSU from the motherboard voltages seem to be as I posted before, and PSU fan spins correctly.
I don't know what exactly are you asking me, I measured voltage in the motherboard connector and posted results above, as well as IDE power connectors and floppy ones. Where should I measure the voltage?

You need a load - if it's not plugged into a working computer you need some other kind of load, the classic method is BIG wirewound resistors. Assuming it regulates from the 5V line, a 2.5 ohm 10W (or higher) resistor should do and draw 2A.
Put a "sandbar" 10w 10 ohm resistor across the 5v rail. It will draw 0.5A and allow the regulator to stabilize the voltage.
I think one of those 2 resistors I show would be valid, right?
Brown, Black, Orange, Gold = 10k Ohm
Red, red, orange, gold = 22k Ohm

Thanks again!


  • IMG_20200413_193705.jpg
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Those are probably 1/4W

You need something like this:

Or this:
Ok, I don't have this kind of resistors, I will get a couple of them for testing asap.

By the way, the pc POST without expansions, floppy, hdd, tape drive... but I'm not sure if voltage is stable enough as it does not perform well with floppy, hdd...

I tested on the board connector with psu on.

Red: 5,5v
Red: 5,5v
Black: Ground
Black: Ground
Black: Ground
Black: Ground
Orange: 12,6v
Gray: 0,7v
Yellow: 0,02v
White: 5,20v

Condensers get 6,24v except one that gets 5.20v (I suppose it may cause the reboot problem).
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