Component Identification

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New Member
Hi gentleman,

I need to identify the fallowing component:
Refer to fig. 1

This is the middle component between the "big" 45k resistor and "small" 37 k resistor.

It has 5 bands:
Orange, White, Orange, Red, White

I am suspecting that it is a resistor, as it reads a value of 39 k.
By using Electronics Assistant I calculated it to be 39.3 k resistor, but it’s the white band that throws me over. As you can se it’s clearly white, not silver.
For my project I have to be 100% curtain, but I do appreciate any additional comments and feedback.
I did test it for "Diode" using a DVM, and I concluded a negative response, as it works bi-polar.

Kamil Dzwonkowski

Electrical Project Engineer


Sundial & Panel Corp.

Instrument Display Systems and Components - Sun Dial & Panel Corporation

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It is 39K. Put a 39k in the circuit and see if it works as before.

The red band indicates a tolerance of 2%.
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Thank you very much... yes it a precise resistor and I believe that the white band indicates a temperature coefficient. Thanks for you professional advise.

Also I have another question regarding this project, and I will post it as a new thread. This has to do with testing.

Kamil Dzwonkowski

Electrical Project Engineer


Sundial & Panel Corp.

Instrument Display Systems and Components - Sun Dial & Panel Corporation

Does this page really needs to be printed?

Yes, be sure to post every question regarding this SAME PROJECT in its own thread. That way, you can spread your big huge advertising billboard "signature" around as much as possible.
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