Component supliers whith free shiping (In europe)

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Someone Electro

New Member
Dose anyone know an component suplier that has free shiping in europe.

Im live in Slovenia (wery small contry) and the bigst suplier is "Conrad" and that suplyer sucks.

The prices are high and they dont have a much wide selection of components.I had to pay the shiping to (700 SIT wich is about $3).
i kinda doubt ull find 1 w/ free shipping. i searched a lot of component suppliers in the US and couldnt find any of them w/ free shipping. If u come across 1, please tell :lol:
Some suplyers have free shiping if you buy enugh.For exsample some suplyers wont charge you shiping if you buy over $20 or somting like that.

I found some whith free shiping but only for the US (I cant remember what wose it)

It has to have free shiping or it will cost me a lot if its shiped from a nother country (even shiping from the same country can cost much)
think about it... if it costs that much to ship stuff to you... is it really likely that the company is going to want to ship it for free?? the more it costs them to ship it, the more money they lose in selling it to you... and like these guys say, i have not seen any free shipping companies even in the US... but its really not necessary when shipping is only 4 or 5 dollars on an order of $25+

the point is that the company has to make money somehow. if the shipping charges are like 25% or more of the order cost, then they are going to have to make that money somehow... either by charging you shipping, or by increasing the prices of all their products. either way, there is no such thing as a free lunch.... they're not going to let you get cheap parts AND not have to pay for the expensive shipping. if you don't pay the price for one thing, they'll hit you with it for the other. so i think you are most likely going to have to pay about the same amount no matter what.
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