Connecting monostable 555 to astable 555

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New Member
I am currently connecting a circuit where I power the astable 555 via the monostable 555, but my astable seems to be giving a constant 3.5V even when the monostable is not activate. It works on multisim but doesnt work wheni connect it Can someone help? Thank you!


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If you are attempting to make a gated burst oscillator, which will drive your counters downstream, I would do *independent of each other* astable and monostable circuits, and combine their outputs with an AND gate.
Sounds like a wiring error.
If the trigger input is held low, the output will remain high.
Double check all the connections against the schematic.
Have you tried connecting the top of R2 directy to +5 volts ? If it is a standard 555 (Not the CMOS version ) a 5 volt supply is close to it's minimum voltage rating of 4.5 volts it may not work at your designed operating frequency (48 Khz.)

Have you tried driving the Reset pin of the astable for switching it on/off?
If you are attempting to make a gated burst oscillator, which will drive your counters downstream, I would do *independent of each other* astable and monostable circuits, and combine their outputs with an AND gate.
Thank you! It finally worked.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions too!
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