Well, including a capacitor does help indeed.
1. The range of control is from 53 to 58% duty
2. Temp of the Mosfet shifts very much the setting point. No regulation at all!
So, even accepting the small range of control, the temp drift is too much.
Thanks anyway.
I am dropping the idea of using the excellent circuit because have not found a way to control it by a PWM signal.
These days I was experimenting with another idea from the Microchip forum Member Paul. He suggested to use a differential transistor circuit driving a PNP or Pchannel Mosfet transistor.
The one transistor of the differential pair is sampling the Vout and the other is driven by the PWM signal. Looks promissing but has a lot of issues to take care, strating with 5-8 volts drop connecting the load to the output.
I attach the temp circuit.