Converting asm to hex

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Thank you for posting that code. As a suggestion, the registers are described as being in "Banks." Code is in "Pages." In order to avoid confusion, it might help to change the #Define's to Bank0 and Bank1, respectively:

Since much later chips do not use STATUS for bank selection, it is easy to forget that bits<6:5> of STATUS are RP1 and RP0, respectively. Thus, "bsf STATUS,RP0" is equivalent to "bsf STATUS,5" but is perhaps more common and easier to recognize what it does.
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i have the HEX file but i tried it to work with....unfortunetly it didnt work as it should be ......i need your help.
this hex file i got from EPE website... for the use of PIC virus zapper.


  • zapper 2_84.hex
    3.3 KB · Views: 202
  • zapper 2_627_HEX.hex
    3.3 KB · Views: 195
Working with a hex file that is corrupt or flawed is very difficult when you do not have a good disassembler. I do not have a good one; although, I have used MPLab 8.92 for my own work.

If the Virus Zapper is a new project, it would be best to start a new thread. Or, is this the same "bug" zapper you started the thread about? I thought that was working.

bothe are the same i hope.


  • zapper.hex.txt
    926 bytes · Views: 194
  • ASM.file for PIC16F84.txt
    3.7 KB · Views: 188
the bug zapper is fine working perfectly thanks a lot.

this is the EPE Andy Flind work. like the Hulda clark zapper for human body.
In Post #30 you said it was working perfectly. What has happened?

Sorry, you posted while I was writing. A "virus zapper" for use on humans deserves its own thread. I am quite biased against them.
I agree that humans can die from virus infections. I do not think that is good and have personally worked to prevent it. Gadgets such as you seem to be proposing to try that claim to eliminate viruses using flashing lights and such present two ethical problems:

1) They have never been shown to work in controlled experiments; and
2) People fooled into relying on them delay getting appropriate therapy that might actually save their lives and/or prevent spread to other people.
i agree too...that human are leaving this Earth at wrong time. but i do not proposing chemical to speed up their wrong day.
2) People fooled into relying on them delay getting appropriate therapy that might actually save their lives and/or prevent spread to other people.
2 what is to lose if some one trying something free...instead of ingesting or injecting chemicals.
this is the pdf format of the instruction for those who need to help me.


  • 0302- Pic Virus Zapper222.pdf
    596.3 KB · Views: 242
i have the HEX file but i tried it to work with....unfortunetly it didnt work as it should be ......i need your help.
More info... The hex file will do what it was intended for.... What do you want it todo..

I have most of the EPE projects code.. I have virtually every issue.
Ian...its intended to do zapping my body..... Andy Flind did this. which is called "PIC zapper".


  • zapper 2_84.hex
    3.3 KB · Views: 182
  • zapper 2_627_HEX.hex
    3.3 KB · Views: 182
  • ASM.file for PIC16F84.txt
    3.7 KB · Views: 193
Ian...its intended to do zapping my body..... Andy Flind did this. which is called "PIC zapper".
Yes! I get it, but what do you need to change?... Why do you think the zapper doesn't as intended?
what do you need to change?... Why do you think the zapper doesn't as intended?
no i didn't want to change anything, But according to the pdf instruction of Andy Flind :-
1 - 10k potentiometer didnt help to the red LED when the battery is lower than 7V
2 - the out put is not showing 2.5kHz or half of the battery voltage. but both LED are working well except the red one.
in general speaking the microcontroller is not installed the right way of hex file "its my thinking"

thank you Ian


  • 20180120_223211[5342].jpg
    1,001.5 KB · Views: 220
Dead Battery?

Andrew James C. Flind was born in 1944 and died in Devon, Somerset, England at age 60. That is quite young by today's standards. Maybe his device had a dead battery.
Wow!! Now I'm a bit flummoxed!!

If you have Zapper 2 hex Then your circuit is for the original Zapper... Andy did two, one in 2002 March and the other in 2003 December..

You seem to have the hex for the latter and the schematic for the first..
Circuit One:-

Circuit Two..

His unexpected death so shortly after making and presumably using the device(s) wouldn't encourage me to try doing the same thing. His untimely death from a rapidly progressing illness despite easy access to the device may the experiment that was needed to debunk it. Unless, the battery died or maybe one of the LED's was in backwards.

Moreover, the "theory" of operation -- disrupting otherwise undetectable intestinal flukes that "most people" have -- provides an excellent basis to predict far more harm than good.

I would be very interested in reading the "cause of death" on his death certificate. It is on file at the government offices, but I am not so interested as to pay the fee for its retrieval that a foreigner must pay.
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