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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Converting asm to hex

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Ian i tried it but still the same problem exist. By the way did you simulat it?
Of course... The code runs fine.

Green led lights.... yellow flashes for 30 seconds... Then output is @ 1.6khz and the red led pulses... If the batt is low Red led is lit..

Please remember one thing!! I can't sit around helping all day... I think your circuit is wrong.. double check your LED's..
Just did an MS Word compare of the code posted by Ergoye (Post #42) on Saturday that code posted by Granddad in #71. They appear to be identical using Word, but that doesn't rule out invisible differences.

At this point, I think the problem is more likely in the circuit as built. Ergoye should post the schematic and board design (if available) for what he thinks he has and an actual picture as assembled.
this is my PCB...


  • Untitled-1.jpg
    97 KB · Views: 281
it looks fine but still i couldnt find where the problem is.......hopefully the hex file! because the out put must be 2.5kHz NOT 1.6kHz. IN MY CASE THERE IS NO OUT PUT AT ALL ...the out put voltage also must be half of the battery voltage it is reading in my case 0.79V. it makes me creazy manoman.:mad:
Ergoye I think the original Zapper files were written and compiled for an EPE system for PICs called TK3 (ToolKit3) .. to get to microchip MPASM .asm , TK3 CONVERT. TSAM, had to be used , I have taken the zapper2 file for PIC16F628A an done just this...( it had several errors) and built a .HEX using MPLAB 8.84 , best I can do. The program has LCD code and I presume it will work without an LCD .?


  • ZAP628_M.ASM
    15.8 KB · Views: 284
  • ZAP628_M.HEX
    3.3 KB · Views: 283
You need to change the line INCLUDE "16F627.INC" to INCLUDE "p16F627.INC"
The .MAC and .LIB files are also needed.

hi Les good evening
Try to help me please.look at #72 hex file.i couldnt use it has a problem.
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Prior using whatever micro with your code, could you try to blink a LED, writing the code yourself?

Is the best sanity check I could suggest before you attempt to run code you found in the web.

After much suffering in my long way to understand how could I use my first micro, I realized that learning to ensure the proper settings is the first thing to solve.

If this sounds going backwards in your process, trust me; it is probably the best you could do.
My comment that you coppied into your post #90 was referring to the source file ASM.txt that you posted in post #1 I spotted that the include file 16f627 was not the name of the include file that MPASM would be looking for. I changed the name to p16F627.INC and tried to assemble it using MPASM but it failed with many errors. I then looked at the .LST file from the attempted assembly And did a text search for "error" the first errors that it reported were the missing .MAC and .LIB files. Without those files it is impossible to assemble the program. I don't see the connection between part of a source file in post #1 for a PIC16F627 and a .hex file in post #72 for a PIC16F84 Also I don't see how you can program a PIC16F84 now when you said in your last thread that you could not program it. If you give more accurate information you will get better help. In this thread you seem to be trying to use the files for the version 2 zapper to work on a version 1 which is a totaly different circuit. The only thing I could do with the .hex file would be to disassemble it which would mean finding a disassembler program.

Guys these EPE zapper files were not written for MPLAB...asm... they relate to TASM and TK3 the hex file I attached ZAP628_M.HEX post #88 was converted from TASM to ASM should be ok for a zapper2 circuit using a 628(A) ...
While I do not disagree with your dissection of the issue, the current issue involves a different program than that presented in post #1. I suggested a new thread to avoid confusion. But for whatever reason, that suggestion was rejected.

We need now to deal with the pseudo-concept that a very low voltage and current administered at particular frequencies through pieces of copper pipes will kill and/or lyse invisible intestinal flukes and destroy not only all viruses, fungi, and bacteria, but also cure cancer. Stanley Meyer would be proud.

Apparently the magical powers of Ian were able to get a .hex file that could be loaded. As I suggested, and was ignored, the TS needs to decide what PROGRAM he wants to load. If that doesn't "work," is any rational person really surprised?
Apparently the magical powers of Ian were able to get a .hex file that could be loaded. As I suggested, and was ignored, the TS needs to decide what PROGRAM he wants to load. If that doesn't "work," is any rational person really surprised?
Or not!! I hope I didn't ignore you!! The new hex file won't be any good anyway... It definitely runs 1khz too slow..
See Posts #44 and 47. I believe keeping insect pests away with various frequencies of flashing lights and curing cancer with subliminal electrical pulses are two different subjects.

To my list right now.
Hi Granddad,
For ERGOYE's previous thread I assembled his source file for him using the EPE TK3 toolkit. (I still have disk drive with XP on it and the TK3 toolkit works on that.) He then found that he could not program a PIC16F84 using his PICKIT 2 or 3. I suggested using a PIC16F84A (Which I think would work and can be programmed with the PICKIT 2 or 3) but he would not accept that solution and would not say why. I then found him a link to the files to install the TK3 toolkit. He then came back and said it would not work with his version of windows but did not say which version that was. If he would provide more (And accurate) information I am sure his problems could be solved. Members have put a lot of effort into trying to help him in this thread even though I think none of us believe useing the device will do any good. (Other than possibly the placebo effect.)

Hi Les.. To be honest I am not sure the 'why what and where' of the zapper... been a lot of soldering since the time I was just about understanding .asm and PIC (Z80 previously ) and built it on vero as a experiment , ( even put it in a box ! ) . think I was using a DIY Tait programmer , so only briefly clashed :) with TK3 ... (I found it needs 'run as win 98 compatible' file properties with XP ). TK3 seemed over complex, like MPLABX can be :) For anyone producing any mcu board getting to grips with the code / hardware interaction ( walk before you run !) I would have thought be a pre-requisite, is not a huge task to redo a new zapper program with any mcu .. as to how efficacious the zapper principle is ... probably just as good as a lot of medical theories past and present ... Hulda Clark ( designer / inventor ) was no idiot... and reports / suggestions recently have connected pollution and other organisms to human diseases / health ... from what i remember it is ( supposed ) the few milliamps passing through the body that disrupts virus cell walls...electricity is used currently :p in several medical treatments ..
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