Hi jpanhalt,
The PICKIT2 behaves in a very similar way to the PICKIT3. Neither will let you import a hex file unles it is connected to a PIC. I do not have a PIC16F84 so I just used a PIC16F628A. I have one of each connected to my computer at the moment. From my limited memory of the structure of a hex file I think near the start it says at what memory location to start loading the file. The way the source file is written there is no .org 0 statement. (There is a .org 4 and .org 5) I think the program is being loaded starting at location 5 The 3FFFs are just the blank state of a PIC. The source file starts with a jump to location 5 then 3 NOP instructions.
The PICKIT2 behaves in a very similar way to the PICKIT3. Neither will let you import a hex file unles it is connected to a PIC. I do not have a PIC16F84 so I just used a PIC16F628A. I have one of each connected to my computer at the moment. From my limited memory of the structure of a hex file I think near the start it says at what memory location to start loading the file. The way the source file is written there is no .org 0 statement. (There is a .org 4 and .org 5) I think the program is being loaded starting at location 5 The 3FFFs are just the blank state of a PIC. The source file starts with a jump to location 5 then 3 NOP instructions.