Could use assistance on a timer project

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another breadboard view

i have attached another view of the braedboard showing the tranisitor better


  • timer555-5.jpg
    40.8 KB · Views: 140
Are you using the red wire from the battery for + or -? Should be +, but you have it hooked up like it's -.
sorry, no i'm using two 9v battery clips together so that reverses the color code on one. blk is + and red is -
So what happens when you short the collector to emitter with a wire? Does the relay pull in?
when i jump the col emitter the relay goes on and stays on until i shut it down
could i be using a pnp instaed of an npn markings are bc540a
i changed the 555 to a new cmos one (my last one) no relay. when i jump collector and emitter relay energizes but releases when i remove the jumper
by "no relay" i mean nothing happens when i turn on the circuit and bring pin to vcc. i'm wondering iof i could run this circuit on 12 volts. nothing would burn up would it? does not list a BC540A transistor. What transistor did you use?
they're probably "floor sweepings " the new one i replaced is marked "4n2
410L 348" how's that. i bought them from jameco.
How can we help you fix your circuit when you have a no-name-brand unknown transistor?
i cain't run the circuit on 12 volts because that would burn out my relay
(i answered my own question)
pins 2 and 6 go to the 470k (replaced witha 10k) then a 1k then the diode connected to pin 3. pin 7 is connected to the 1k then 15k then 100uf cap
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