RE: Cassette tapes.
The KIM-1 had a very simple, and very utilitarian, cassette interface:
Because they used a ratio of frequencies to represent 0 and 1, it was not long before someone (Jim Butterfield) figured out that you could shorten the burst length but keep the ratio, and speed up the loading time.
The KIM-1 had a very simple, and very utilitarian, cassette interface:
Data is stored out onto your audio cassette recorder in a specific
format designed to insure an error free recovery. In the unlikely event
that a playback error does occur, several "ERROR DETECTION" methods are
incorporated to warn you of this condition.
Data is transmitted to the tape recorder in the form of serial
"ASCII" encoded characters (seven data bits plus Parity bit). Data
retrieved from the memory is converted into this form by separating each
byte into two half bytes. The half bytes are then converted into their
ASCII equivalents.
Each transmitted bit begins with a 3700 hertz tone and ends with
a 2400 hertz tone. "Ones" have the high to low frequency transition
at one-third of the bit period. "Zeros" have the transition at two-
thirds of the period. During playback the 565 phase locked loop locks
to, and tracks these two frequencies producing (through the 311
comparator) a logic "1" pulse of one-third the bit period for a "One".
A pulse two thirds the bit period is likewise produced for a "Zero".
Your microcomputer uses a software controlled algorithm for converting
this signal into eight bit data words.
The frequency shift keyed phase lock loop method of data recovery
is relatively insensitive to amplitude and phase variations. The "FREE
RUNNING" frequency of the phase lock loop has been adjusted at the factory
to a frequency half way between the two data frequencies (called the Center
Frequency). This adjustment is accomplished by strapping Pin A-P (Audio
Out High) to Pin A-L (Audio In). A program starting at address 1A6B HEX
provides the center frequency reference that allows the loop to be
adjusted by potentiometer VR1. Pin E-X (PLL TEST) is monitored with a
voltmeter while the pot is rotated until the voltmeter reading is at the
transition point between a logical "1" (+5v) and "0" (GND).
Because they used a ratio of frequencies to represent 0 and 1, it was not long before someone (Jim Butterfield) figured out that you could shorten the burst length but keep the ratio, and speed up the loading time.