I gave a lot in my time. I kept getting screwed. Other people that I helped got promoted. I "enjoyed" giving too - now past tense.
Lies, other people, nearly got me killed. My tools are my big boy tools.
All of my energy is being focused into being a caregiver. To the extent that mom got kicked ut of hospice after 17 months, Is it a success?
I nw nearly have the skills of a nurse and an aide, jut not the credentials by observing and asking questions. Hospice is unique in they treat symptomatically and for comfort.
I can dot he standard stuff now, like lungs, bowel sounds, respiration, heart rhythm. SPO2 (Oxygen), diabetes. I even did the hA1c bloodtest using a kit. I'm pretty efficient at wound care now up to a stage II pressure ulcer and including skin tears.. She has very fragile skin which is red underneath. A nurse said you will never be able to make them go away. They are going away. They can also be created easily by a hard bump on the skin.
Lungs (pneumonia), bowels (bleeding, obstruction) and skin (pressure ulcers) need lots of attention. Items in () is what can happen.
I got ger a pair of $1.00 USD eyglasses from the dollar store. Big difference in her ability to see. Ear wax, dry eye to a lesser extent. A tool I am looking for is an Ottoscope. The availability of oxygen has been taken away. She won't have weekly visits any more. They are up to me.
Wound care is a science and I can't get what I need locally. Topics like oil emulsion dressings. medical honey., coligen dressings. hydrocoiloid dressings, selective debridement, non-selective debridement, topical insulin, local insulin, Microcyn, 20% saline, 0.9% saline, bordered foam, bordered gauze, Micro-pore tape, and silver silvidene (Rx), sacrum bandages ($10,00 USd each), wound irrigation are probbaly foreign to nearly all of you. Topical insulin is very unique. Managing the sacrum is a PITA.
Maggots and oxygen for wound care are out of my league at this point,
One size fits all isnt appropriate for diapers either. You don't put menthol near the vagina. Skin folds need protection. Different protection. So far we are up to three creams. diaper, desitin (no menthol), water protectant for folds. silver silvidene for broken skinn, pressure relief etc.
Nobody taught be this stuff. I'm an engineer. Everything falls into place.