Data sheet update for DS18B20

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Well-Known Member
I received some temperature sensors yesterday but the female plug does not match the data sheet. The wire colors are wrong.
I emailed SureElectronics and they have revised the data sheet
here is the updated drawing


  • temp plug update.PNG
    42.8 KB · Views: 262
The DS18B20 is a TO92 device. You appear to have bought something else.

He could not get the naked part to work due the PAR problem. Thinking he picked up some with connectors.
He could not get the naked part to work due the PAR problem. Thinking he picked up some with connectors.

But his problem is that he buys obscure things of ebay or somesuch and they don't work. Why not go to a reputable dealer and buy the real thing.

But his problem is that he buys obscure things of ebay or somesuch and they don't work. Why not go to a reputable dealer and buy the real thing.
I agree. It also makes helping easier.
This is the REAL THING
the first ones I purchased from Sure Electronics on Ebay were TO-92 package
The ones I just received were from Sure Electronics as well but found that the Ebay store was higher priced than the potted ones I just bought.
**broken link removed**
The TO-92 sensors I think ARE PAR units.
ALL are new, not obscure parts.
WHY give up?
The sensors I bought are not obscure parts as were the parts I purchased(amplifier) from Electronic Goldmine.
I agree, obscure parts are not the best method but sometimes price gets in the way.
Don't give up Pommie, your input is valued as are many other people more knowledgeable than I.
You PIC codes are very interesting for someone such as me who is trying to learn this PIC programming.
The only similar programming I ever did was with a Commodore 64 and a 128
wonder what ever became of Commodore?
Is this related to another project? I don't understand the question. The colors are wrong.

Are the colors the same silver-red-white, but in different places, or did they substitute?
the colors were in a different order but have changed
I contacted Sure Electronics and they concure so they updated the data sheet that does not show colors.
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