DC voltage sensor

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Thanks Eric, that looks ideal. Did you use Spice to model that?
I suppose it would be a similar story for OVER voltage detection as well.
Thanks Eric, that looks ideal. Did you use Spice to model that?
I suppose it would be a similar story for OVER voltage detection as well.

Yes, thats the free LTspice Sim.
For over voltage you could use a 45Vzener and resistor/opto

If you have a suitable power source to drive this ICL7665 IC, this could be the answer.


  • ICL7665..pdf
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Fantastic, Eric.
Unfortunately, Maxim have always caused me grief whilst ordering their products, requesting literature or requesting design assistance with their parts, so I am unable to obtain this part easily - the ideas you have posted previously appear to be quite adequate for my needs anyway.

I dont think I have any more questions, so I'll buy some zeners and try it out soon. Great help, Eric, thanks.

I don't suppose that for over voltage detection (45v) I could use a 22V and 24V zener in series (similar to the two 15V zeners in series that you posted) to get 46V ? Is it OK to have those mismatched values?
I don't suppose that for over voltage detection (45v) I could use a 22V and 24V zener in series (similar to the two 15V zeners in series that you posted) to get 46V ? Is it OK to have those mismatched values?

Its OK to use a combination of zener voltages to give the overall voltage.
Hi, I search the lt spice model of ICL 7665 for a simulation, Where did you find this component ?
Thank you,

PS : I am a french student, sorry for the bad level in English.
Hi, I search the lt spice model of ICL 7665 for a simulation, Where did you find this component ?
Thank you,

PS : I am a french student, sorry for the bad level in English.

Sorry I do not have a 7665 LTSpice model, I did not post a 7665 circuit in this Thread.

You could build a hierarchical model in LTSpice using the 7665 datasheet block diagram.
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