Default Dual Polarity Power Supply

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Dual Polarity Power Supply

So related to my other thread.

I have to connect +V and -V (and ground) to a circuit (An amplifier)
so I suppose I need a Dual Polarity Power Supply.

Pardon my ignorance but... do they sell this? or it has to be built?

a clarification on this concept will be very much appreciated.

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You can buy dual power supplies or buy two single power supplies and use one for +V and the other for -V.
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Post the schematic, it might be possible to convert the circuit to single supply operation.
I am including the schematics.

I asked today one provider and they have some power source but it takes 4 months to get it! In addition to that it seems that I will have to use a DC-DC converter for the "bridge voltage". I am at lost now...

Does anyone have a resource for a AD-DC dual power converter that receives 110 v and provides +V COM and -V? any advice?

I believe Hero999's is for something like this? (sorry I didnt understand magnatro's )


  • sensorcircuit.JPG
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