Thank you - you are awesome.
This is a bit of a lab tool so I will need to tweak somewhat as I implement. First, as I have researched this it seems unlikely that the motor speed would be less than 50% so for a 0-10vdc speed controller would need a "floor" at 5vdc - some speed controllers are 2-10vdc so 50% would be 6v. Trimmer?
The ranging would determine the diff range that is correlated with the 0-10vdc output (before the floor). Even though I specified a wide possible range, in practice it may be much less. Would want that range to map into the output (0-10 or 2-10vdc).
Spec - I appreciate your advice but this may be getting beyond my build skills
and I don't want to take up any more of your time if I can't reliably implement your design. I was picturing an op amp and a few resistors/trimpots but of course I under-estimated the need. Before you spend any more time on my behalf, let me again think through a micro approach. I have working code for the DS18B20 sensors and just need to solve a DAC analog voltage level problem.
I am much less likely to let out the magic smoke when using a standard board...
(although I've even done that a few times...) - Argh - software guys....!