digital counter

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New Member
hey all
i have this school project
i need to make digital counter with IC 7490
and need to count from 0 to 9999 at 9999 he need to restart too 0
and option when is counting too reset. ( with button to reset agen to 0 )

any help would rely make me happy ^^

PS: sorry for my bad english.
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Here are some of my old notes on 74XX chips...


  • 7490.pdf
    310.9 KB · Views: 249
  • 7447.pdf
    325 KB · Views: 265
  • 555.pdf
    367.5 KB · Views: 265
If those don't help let me know and I'll see what else I can do for you.


k i did it i have counter from 0 to 9999 and it restart when coems to 9999 now only need to make reset button ( option when couts to reset it by my self)
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here i created digital counter from 0 to 9999
now only miss the reset button ( the option when is counting that i can reset it when ever i would like it) - dont know yet how to do it any help would be nice

ImageShack - Image Hosting :: 9999jpgly6.jpg here is the screenshoot of digital counter i did it.
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On the 2nd 7490 hook pin 14 to pin 12 of 1st 7490 that should go 9, 10,11 and so on till it gets to 99 then add another 7490 and so on. If you use a 555 timer you can have it count the output pulses and do it automatically.

To reset a 7490 pins 3&4 go high. They must be grounded to count.
Power up reset: pins 2 & 3 100 ohm resistor to ground and 50 uf electrolytic capacitor to +

Look at the PDF labeled 7490 a few posts up to see schematic.

tnx dude you realy halped me now i just ordered the stuf to make it
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