I need to create a 5V supply for a PIC from a mains 240vac 50hz supply.
Its a lamp dimmer circuit, so the supply line will be inline with the bulb that is being controlled.
This means that when designing the power supply, it needs to have a wide input voltage and still maintain the correct output for the PIC.
I guess the PIC should make sure the controlled 'dim' state does not drop below a certain average voltage so the PIC can always remain powered.
Does anyone have any existing circuits for this? I looked at using a resistive transformerless supply, but ended up with a resistor that needed to dissapate 10W so would like to use a capacitive solution instread.
I am competent with high voltages, so understand the risks involved with live supplies and no isolation etc..
Any help would be great on this. I guess someone must have a circuit for this as there are many inline digital dimmers out there already.
I need to create a 5V supply for a PIC from a mains 240vac 50hz supply.
Its a lamp dimmer circuit, so the supply line will be inline with the bulb that is being controlled.
This means that when designing the power supply, it needs to have a wide input voltage and still maintain the correct output for the PIC.
I guess the PIC should make sure the controlled 'dim' state does not drop below a certain average voltage so the PIC can always remain powered.
Does anyone have any existing circuits for this? I looked at using a resistive transformerless supply, but ended up with a resistor that needed to dissapate 10W so would like to use a capacitive solution instread.
I am competent with high voltages, so understand the risks involved with live supplies and no isolation etc..
Any help would be great on this. I guess someone must have a circuit for this as there are many inline digital dimmers out there already.
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