Digital to Analog Conversion.......

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Eric, the DAC sources current, so the op amp needs a negative supply, and the output of the opamp will range from 0V to -xV, where x depends on the feedback resistor.
Mike, DAC0808 sinks current.**broken link removed**


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Dac ...

Um... guys..

about my previous post I wondered if you could help me on the audio matter..

thx in advance
I cannot find any data regarding the microphone.

If you have a scope I would suggest that you carry bench tests of the microphone, let us know the sensitivity.
Okay I'll do some tests. I'll keep you updated; but in general, Is it possible to connect the microphone directly to a voltmeter and obtain a certain voltage? say, in the mV range? 'cause I've done so and I found nothing (0V).

thx in advance

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