Hi John,
Looks pretty good from here!
Do you have any tips for drawing the footprints? I would quite like to have a go myself, for instance I couldn't really see what size the pads are supposed to be, and how you work out the distance and offset between the horizontal and vertical and centre pads, and had you not have mentioned it I wouldn't have noticed the RF pad a different spacing to the others!
Many thanks again for all of your help! Really is appreciated.
Looks pretty good from here!
Do you have any tips for drawing the footprints? I would quite like to have a go myself, for instance I couldn't really see what size the pads are supposed to be, and how you work out the distance and offset between the horizontal and vertical and centre pads, and had you not have mentioned it I wouldn't have noticed the RF pad a different spacing to the others!
Many thanks again for all of your help! Really is appreciated.