I started with Eagle 3.xx and my first purchased program was 4.1. That came with a nice booklet that I still have. This link may be the same thing:
**broken link removed**
There are now more popular tutorials. The ones on Sparkfun are often recommended:
Most people moving to Eagle comment about the learning curve. For example, versions before 6.0 used cut (scissor icon)/paste. The copy utility was just for components. The cut action actually is copy without deletion. It does not act at all like "control X" in a word processor. Version 6.0 changed that to be more consistent with usage in Windows and other programs. However, 6.0 does allow one to revert back to the previous dialog. I tried the new copy routine and immediately went back to the older version. In other words, you may find some of the Eagle controls a little different, but once you get used to them, you can do almost anything. And as mentioned above, if you are doing Eagle frequently, learn to use the command line. I tend to get immersed in a project and then do nothing for 6 months or more. While I am involved actively, I usually relearn some of the commands. They really extend the utility of the program.
As for learning to make parts, just try it. Once you get one done, it will seem simple. Nevertheless, drawing complex designs, particularly with irregular pin spacing, is more challenging.
As for the t/b-cream layers, they are mapped to Gerber layers 31/32, but I could not find a simple chart relating the names to the function in Gerber. One source said cream was the plated area on pads. Another said it was for the solder paste stencil. In the device we just finished, you can see they are similar.
I suspect
cream is the plated area of the pad. The solder paste mask may be identical, but it may also be different for smaller or more cramped packages. Try this in Eagle. From the control panel, open library > microchip.lbr > package > TQFP100 (a device similar to yours). Note that t-cream (31) covers almost the whole pad, but t-Docu (51) only covers the inner portion of the pad. I suspect from that example that layer 51 is for the solder paste and layer 31 is for plating.
Edit: Here's another link. It implies that cream
was for solder paste, but in more crowded devices, like QFN, one needs to use a smaller pattern.
For your device, you may want to use a smaller cutout in the stencil for paste as specified in the datasheet for thick stencils. If you need to change it and want to give it a go yourself, I can help you over any rough spots.