Eagle grid defaults

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I searched myself silly trying to find out how to set the grid default in "library", ".brd" and ".sch" to 0.05 inch and the alt to 0.005 inch.
I know it must be done in eagle.scr but that is as far as I got.
Help is much appreciated!
Hy earckens,

Open the schematic and left click on the grid icon top left (circled in red) to get a drop-down menu. Then just enter the grid spacing that you want: I always use 0.05 inches rather than the default 0.1 inches. You can also turn the grid on and off from the same drop-down menu.


Hi spec, yes I know that one but these are the default settings which are the ones I want to change.
Hi spec, yes I know that one but these are the default settings which are the ones I want to change.
Oh I see. I think there is a script file that you can change. I had a go at it once but could not make head nor tail of the scrips. If you find a simple answer I would like to know too.

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I think this is the file that you need to modify with a standard plain text editor: C: /EAGLE> scr> eagle.scr

eadle.scr is divided into the various high level interfaces of EAGLE: schematic editor, component editor, layout editor, etc.

I had a go at editing it once but, as I said, could not get any sense out of the scripts.


PS: You will find more infor here: http://ftp.cadsoft.de/faq.htm.en#06011304
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That is what I am struggling with, and as I said, it is a real pain trying to find some proper examples of how I want it. Hoping someone can post an example with the default as I would like (post #1)..
That is what I am struggling with, and as I said, it is a real pain trying to find some proper examples of how I want it. Hoping someone can post an example with the default as I would like (post #1)..
oops, sorry earckens: I never could read.


PS: have you seen the info at the link in post #5 above? (QA #7)
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Hi spec, I had not seen your thread, nor the link; but what is said in the link does not help me. Not "Deutsche grundligkeit"..
Hi again earckens, I hope I am not pointing out something that you already know but I have just made this change to eagle.sch

# Grid Default;
Grid 0.05 On;

SCH: is the script sub group for the schematic editor

'Grid Default;' was the original script which I commented out with the #
I then and inserted 'Grid 0.05 On;'

This had the effect I was after:
Automatically set the grid from the default of 0.1 inch and off, to grid= 0.05 inch and on

Hi spec, that is part of the solution I am looking for. Now how do you set the "alt" default?
And where do you specify inch or mm?
Hi spec, that is part of the solution I am looking for. Now how do you set the "alt" default?
And where do you specify inch or mm?
Oh, I got something right.

I am doing some HiFi things at the moment, but will investigate. I'm always a bit afeared of messing with scrips.

Check out this link. There is a good description of the eagle.scr file, including setting alt grid.

I need to do some housekeeping on my Eagle installation...like deleting all the libraries I don't use from the list and adding those I do.
I did find that too but I am not sure how to change my current "eagle.scr" to what I want it to do:

1. dimensions in inches
2. standard grid 0.05
3. alt grid 0.005

This for .sch, .brd., .lib

my current file in upload.


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What do I need to do to get warnings when people respond to my messages? I used to get emails, until a few weeks ago all of a sudden I get nothing anymore
I tried this, in replacement of "Grid default;": GRID INCH 0.05 LINES ON ALT INCH 0.005;

Does not work
Just a guess: try this just to see if it works:


The default grid is INCH and I am not sure that you can set GRID as fine as 0.005

Spec, just tried your proposal. No change, still as before.

I open the eagle.scr file in notepad, and save with admin privileges as eagle.scr in ANSI coding (other options are: Unicode, Unicode Big Endian, UTF-8).
I just tried this: GRID LAST;

..that works when I open .sch, change the grid to other then default and close everything. After restart it is back to last setting.

Now this works for .sch, I assume it will for .brd (will test in a minute) but why not for .lbr?

Spec, I try yours now
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