Electret mic and phone for heart and lung sound for telemedicine

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A high quality low noise OPA2134 dual opamp should not make the high level wideband noise in your recording when its gain is only 3.13 x 1.6= 5.0 times.
Maybe the noise is produced by your phone? Maybe the electret mic was 1 or 2 meters away from your chest? Maybe a big jet flew past?

Check its polarity then remove C10 from the noisy preamp and make the recording again:


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ex Doctor my 9 v battery is to heavy to carry around your neck has any body has a 3v amp heartbeat, recorded thanks
Sorry guys for a lack of update.

Been trying all week to mold silicone for plastic cap (poorly executed I know ).

After putting these on my friend and I thought, sound during the video call was better.
Here is the breathing sound recording.

Check its polarity then remove C10 from the noisy preamp and make the recording again:
Sorry AG. Have not done what you are suggesting yet. Only check polarity of C9 and C10, which is correct.

ex Doctor my 9 v battery is to heavy to carry around your neck has any body has a 3v amp heartbeat, recorded thanks
I do not plan for patient or doctor to carry this around. It could be put on the table. Sorry cannot help you with 3V preamp circuit as I am not circuit design expert. If you manage to find one, please share it too .
ex Doctor my 9 v battery is to heavy to carry around your neck has any body has a 3v amp heartbeat, recorded thanks

Pretty much every electret module pre-pre-amps the signal using a j-fet.

When passive headsets/microphones are connected to a smartphone -- apple or android -- that j-fet provides the only amplification prior to the signal reaching the phones input stage; and that ppa is powered from (at most) 2.9V.

The issues of distortion due to over-amplification don't only affect this thread, but also this one and this one and many more; and the cause is always the same (person).
AG. C10 has been bypassed and the voltage drop across R13 is 1.25 V. Mobile devices need to detect whether the mic is connected, I don't think that voltage could be at 0V as you had suggested.

Sorry for lack of updates recently, been occupied almost completely by other works. Still determine to finish this project .
The mic preamp circuit I designed years ago used an 0.1uF input capacitor value that passed music frequencies, not heartbeat very low frequencies.
The preamp opamp can have a load no less than the input of an amplifier, not a speaker or headphones. The output capacitor was only 0.1uF to pass music frequencies to the 50k input of an LM386 power amplifier. Then the power amplifier drove the speaker or headphones.
Cancelled a double post.
Why can't this website remind me that I already posted it before I ate my lunch??
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