Electret microphone noise

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ebay knows nothing about electronics and knows nothing about audio. They know only about cheap Chinese junk.
I wonder why the MAX4466 datasheet does not say it is low noise? Look at the differences between it and a good audio opamp:


  • mic preamp opamps.png
    78.9 KB · Views: 286
Wow, big difference. I wish I had known this a few weeks ago. Thanks for the insight and now I know what to look for.
I made the mistake of buying some op amps from china of ebay not so long back, they are marked as texas instruments but I wonder if they really are, the first types I used didnt even work, a manky old thing salvaged from a pcb worked better (and still is).
There is at least one huge city in China where thousands of companies make nothing but fake electronic parts that are sold on ebay and other Chinese auction sites.
Here is an example of a cheap Chinese Li-Ion battery sold on ebay:
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