Electrical Circuits Question Problem Help!

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New Member
Please look at the attachment below. The Problem is in the attachment below


  • Engrquiz4.doc
    186 KB · Views: 280
There is no problem.
There are two resistors Ry and Rz in parallel. It is simple to calculate their parallel resistance.
Then there is Rx in series with the total of the other two resistors in parallel. It is simple to calculate the current then calculate the power in Rx.
Like AG said, no problem. We can lead you to water, but you have to drink!
Why don't school kids ask their teacher to teach the basics again instead of asking on a forum??

I'd be happy to help but i cant see the circuit because it is in a .doc format which my Wordpad can not read for some reason. Post a picture file like .gif or .jpg.

I'd be happy to help but i cant see the circuit because it is in a .doc format which my Wordpad can not read for some reason. Post a picture file like .gif or .jpg.

hi Al,
Here you go....


  • 000esp05.gif
    69.9 KB · Views: 293
Hello again,

Thank you Eric.

You simply need to calculate the total resistance and then you can calculate the current and then using I^2*R you can calculate the power in that resistor.
Do you know how to calculate parallel resistances and are you familiar with Ohms Law?
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