equivalent of some elements

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New Member
I wanted to buy these electronic elements from some electric shops but didn't find them (unfortunately !) ,they are :

Digital multimeter (HP34401A)
Triple output programmable power supply (HP E3631A): set at +9V, -9V (with 100mA current limit)

They are taken from light intesity meter project , i've posted it somewhere in this forum, can anyone tell me if there're any equivalent elements or what's the way to know about equivalent elements!

Thanks in advance!

It's simply a digital multimeter and a power supply?, they aren't items you should be supplying, they are items that should be available in your class room.

yes,you're right, but anyway that's what's happened to me!
aren't there any equivalent elements that take place the elements above!
please help!

Yes, as I said above, you simply need a digital multimeter and a suitable power supply - ANY digital multimeter should be fine, and for a power supply you need to check what your circuit actually requires (or, even easier! - feed it off two 9V batteries).

If you're asking such incredibly basic questions, I'm not hopeful of your chances of completing the project!. It's rather like learning to drive and having to ask what a tyre is!.

Thanks, first of all I told you before that these elements doesn't exist here in Syria, my country is weak with electronics, so all that I ask for is to give me an euqivalent elements that might exist in syria, that's it!

Secondly , concerning to my incredibly basic question, you're right so of course I don't want to waste your time ,may be other beginner in electronics in this forum would help me, i'm so sorry!

Best regards Mr.nigel
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