Fail safe way to remotely open a chicken coup

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i'm not sure but i think booby traps are illegal almost everywhere... don't look for help here... maybe the Mod should lock this thread...
I have found a remedy against criminals. I will use a 400 volt 100 thousand microfarad capacitor, no explosives. It will be discharged onto a tin wire, which will cause a strong explosion and possible contusion and a powerful sugar vaporizer based on a lithium battery to generate a large amount of smoke, the deterrent effect is guaranteed 100%
This is legal?
the only thing that might be legal (and i'm talking about where i live... the law might be very different where you live) is a "trip alarm" of some kind... here in the USA, there are devices which can be bought for such a purpose, but they can ONLY make noise, any more than that and they are illegal and unsafe... without knowing the laws where you live... i really can't elaborate more than that... however, think about using an obnoxious sounding loud siren that can alert you to an intrusion, and possibly scare away an intruder before you consider pyrotechnics (you don't want to set your chicken coop on fire do you? there's a lot of bird poop around that can be quite flammable whether you realize it or not)....
I changed my mind about making a remote detonator. Instead, I'll do remote monitoring. I don't need anyone to know where it is. Superfluous sounds would definitely attract attention. I need to assemble a module with a video camera for taking a photo. What microcontroller can you suggest for this?

I need to shoot a photo of 200 * 200 quality at a frequency of 25 frames per second (1 picture per minute)
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