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Free Energy Generator

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New Member
To the many skeptics here----here is a good example of "doing it the right way" with replications to prove this fact.

YouTube - ThaneCHeins's Channel

Perepiteia Generator Operation Explanation – Draft 1 – June 20th, 2008
High Voltage Coil Effects

Thane C. Heins


The Perepiteia Generator employs high voltage coils to counteract the effects associated with Lenz’s Law and the Law of Conservation of Energy. Whereas a conventional generator high current coil design causes the prime mover to decelerate under load – the Perepiteia high voltage coil design causes the prime mover to accelerate. If high current and high voltage coils are employed simultaneously, the acceleration provided by the high voltage coils can completely eliminate Lenz’s Law (deceleration) effects and even provide additional acceleration despite high current coil loading.

This paper is intended to explain (only) one aspect of how this acceleration may be occurring with respect to how high voltage wire eddy currents affect the coils ability to produce an induced magnetic field as dictated by Lenz’s Law. There of course are other possible reasons for the observed acceleration (including core loss reduction) which will be dealt with in greater detail at another time.

Basic Observations, Critical Minimum Rotor Speed/Frequency

Conventional generators employ low gauge – high current (HC) wire to reduce losses associated with resistance and eddy currents. Figure 1 shows how current is distributed through a typical HC coil. The current flows evenly throughout the entire conductor and the induced magnetic field emanates out in a radially symmetrical pattern.

The high voltage coil (HV) in Figure 2 on the other hand shows what happens in the HV coil as the rotor speed exceeds the critical minimum velocity.

Rotor Speed Critical Minimum Velocity

Above a certain rotor speed or frequency the HV coils cause system acceleration in violation of Lenz’s Law.

Below this rotor RPM or frequency the HV coils act in accordance with Lenz’s Law and cause the system to decelerate under load.

The question is why?
What occurs as frequency rises to change the coils’ performance?


At the critical threshold speed or frequency (dictated by the coils inductance) the HIGH VOLTAGE COIL ceases to act as an INDUCTOR (storing energy in the electromagnetic field and producing a Lenz's Law repelling action to the approaching magnetic field) and begins to act as a CAPACITOR (storing energy in the electrostatic field between the wires).


When a North Pole magnet approaches a HIGH VOLTAGE COIL above the critical threshold speed/frequency a North Pole repelling magnetic field as per Lenz's Law is not produced because the coil's impedance has impeded the current flow within the coil sufficiently. Voltage is built up in the coil and stored in the electrostatic field between the wires like a capacitor.

When the North Pole magnet is TDC - Top Dead Centre - neither approaching nor receding away from the coil - the coil's stored voltage, which is now at a maximum, is released through the coil's DC resistance and a magnetic field is produced according to Lenz's Law (at this split second at TDC the AC sine wave is changing direction and as far as the coil is concerned frequency is briefly 'zero' and coil impedance is zero so current is allowed to flow - thus producing a delayed North Pole magnetic field which now pushes away on the receding magnet and simultaneously attracts the approaching opposite South pole on the rotor

--Latest replication video-- **broken link removed**

A generator which accelerates under load, LOL, how original. The generator shown above is a good example of the new technologies which will utilize the electric force to improve efficiency. Quite simply--- Lenz's law has no application when energy is generated and stored as capacitance, an electric field. In the near future Mr.Heinz is going to realize that the HV coil can be precharged to any level by utilization of high voltage/high frequency impulses. He will also understand that there is no such thing as overunity, you cannot violate the conservation of energy. The supposed "extra" energy utilized was always present but we have never set the proper electrical conditions to utilize it.
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Wow, once an idiot like you latches onto something, it’s nearly impossible to let it go, isn’t it?

I’m really tempted to go make my own free energy video on YouTube now. There’s obviously a lot of money in it.
The anonymity of the internet actually fosters twaddle like this. You cannot feel the scorn through the TCP/IP pipe. I gotta say you gotta a lotta nerve palming yourself off as knowledgeable. You're just another wannabe.
LOL, so the name calling begins---let me tell you of another experiment I have done:D.
A while back I noticed a growing number of skeptics in the free energy forums and I wondered what there logic was, why they criticize without offering any justification as to what they believe and why they treat logic and reason as a type of religion. So I researched what a skeptic is, here is the definition---
One who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions.
I think the key word here is "habitually", that is a skeptic who considers himself an intellectual who can apply logic and reason to any subject would tend to believe logic and reason are infallible, in which case the skeptic then takes the next leap of faith and believes that because they can apply logic and reason "they" are infallible. Of course this is pure delusion in every sense of the word and explains why educated, intelligent people when confronted with people who will not accept there infallible reasoning become belligerent and resort to name calling and other behavior not in fitting with the stature they believe they deserve. A perfect example of this was a website I found called- --this web site teaches skeptical thinking or critical thinking as they call it. They believe there logic and reason are infallible thus "they" are, hence they attack anyone not in fitting with there beliefs in much the same fashion as religious groups do. Once these "illogical, unreasonable" people are purged from conversation they are the only ones left. At this point chaos ensues, here we have two parties of skeptics--well educated and informed critical thinkers who believe because they apply logic and reason they cannot be wrong thus the other party MUST be. Again it starts with criticism and quickly devolves into name calling and personal attacks. There is no reason or logic in there egotistical, self-centered behavior any more than it is reasonable for a good Christian to blow away his neighbor for questioning his belief. Yet, both happen in reality because people are self-centered and they do believe there beliefs are infallible which in essence is delusion.
So arrowhead just keep on talking, I have you and your type figured out to a tee, LOL. The truth will come out soon enough and you will deny it until it is obvious you cannot deny it anymore without looking stupid, then you will tell all your friends you knew it was going to happen and you were in fact part of the solution. LOL
No name callling here. What you have written is so ethereal it threatens to drift away on the gentlest breeze. You have offered no data, you have offered no repeatable experiment, and you have offered no plausible explanation for the observations. I merely apply Occams's razor and the duck test. Start with as few assumptions as possible, then if it walks, talks and eats like a duck, then it must be a duck.

You do know what you have to do. You have to articulate a hypothesis, describe the experiment, publish the data, and most importantly have somebody else duplicate those results. Short of that, whatever you may write on the subject may be interesting and informative, but hardly persuasive.
LOL, so the name calling begins---let me tell you of another experiment I have done:D.
A while back I noticed a growing number of skeptics in the free energy forums and I wondered what there logic was, why they criticize without offering any justification as to what they believe and why they treat logic and reason as a type of religion. So I researched what a skeptic is, here is the definition---

I think the key word here is "habitually", that is a skeptic who considers himself an intellectual who can apply logic and reason to any subject would tend to believe logic and reason are infallible, in which case the skeptic then takes the next leap of faith and believes that because they can apply logic and reason "they" are infallible. Of course this is pure delusion in every sense of the word and explains why educated, intelligent people when confronted with people who will not accept there infallible reasoning become belligerent and resort to name calling and other behavior not in fitting with the stature they believe they deserve. A perfect example of this was a website I found called- --this web site teaches skeptical thinking or critical thinking as they call it. They believe there logic and reason are infallible thus "they" are, hence they attack anyone not in fitting with there beliefs in much the same fashion as religious groups do. Once these "illogical, unreasonable" people are purged from conversation they are the only ones left. At this point chaos ensues, here we have two parties of skeptics--well educated and informed critical thinkers who believe because they apply logic and reason they cannot be wrong thus the other party MUST be. Again it starts with criticism and quickly devolves into name calling and personal attacks. There is no reason or logic in there egotistical, self-centered behavior any more than it is reasonable for a good Christian to blow away his neighbor for questioning his belief. Yet, both happen in reality because people are self-centered and they do believe there beliefs are infallible which in essence is delusion.
So arrowhead just keep on talking, I have you and your type figured out to a tee, LOL. The truth will come out soon enough and you will deny it until it is obvious you cannot deny it anymore without looking stupid, then you will tell all your friends you knew it was going to happen and you were in fact part of the solution. LOL
  1. That’s not an experiment.
  2. You’re arbitrarily calling them skeptics and then choosing the definition you like.
  3. The leap of faith between “my logic is infallible” and “I am infallible” is purely imaginary on your part. All that scientific methodology and critical thinking must seem like an inpenetrable wall of arrogance to someone so ignorant and self-righteous as a “free energy” tinkerer.
  4. This misconception of yours holds as true for the Randi forums (which has rules against personal attacks, by the way) as it does in general.
  5. I have you figured out too:
    • The “Truth” you speak of undeniable and plain as night and day, but some shadowy power is keeping those who know it silent and those who don’t uninformed. You live in a world of wolves and sheep.
    • “Soon enough” is always just around the corner, but never happens.
    • When it fails to happen, it’s not because it was bunk all along, but because us ******* skeptics
      • tipped off Big Oil or our NWO handlers,
      • personally sabotaged you, or
      • were too full of ourselves to lend a hand.
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The overunity crowd are dazzled by magnets and flywheels. The burden of proof lies with them not us. The belief you can overcome thermodynamics with something cobbled together is silly.
"Free" energy is availabe in many forms including solar, wind & hydro electric. Why not use them?
1.That s not an experiment.
It is part of an experiment, the other parts includes talking with many people to determine "why" they believe free energy is impossible or not and taking note of there answers. The overwhelming majority state, the conservation of energy and "you can't get something for nothing". The oddity here is that few if any people can explain the conservation of energy in detail and they cannot explain where this "nothing" they speak of resides.
2.You’re arbitrarily calling them skeptics and then choosing the definition you like.
No, "they" call themselves skeptics and are quite proud of this fact.
The leap of faith between “my logic is infallible” and “I am infallible” is purely imaginary on your part. All that scientific methodology and critical thinking must seem like an inpenetrable wall of arrogance to someone so ignorant and self-righteous as a “free energy” tinkerer.
Name calling again? It seems very easy for you to judge people and continues to prove my point. I am a moderate skeptic, the difference here is that I make an effort to understand the other persons perspective and understand I could be wrong in many ways. I do not believe you will ever admit you could be incorrect in any way,shape or form. Another difference is that I perform actual experiments, that is I make an effort to prove for myself what is fact. You will never do one single experiment because it is pointless in your mind--you have decided the outcome before performing actual experiments--this does not sound very scientific to me.
5.I have you figured out too:
The “Truth” you speak of undeniable and plain as night and day, but some shadowy power is keeping those who know it silent and those who don’t uninformed. You live in a world of wolves and sheep.
“Soon enough” is always just around the corner, but never happens.
When it fails to happen, it’s not because it was bunk all along, but because us ******* skeptics
tipped off Big Oil or our NWO handlers,
personally sabotaged you, or
were too full of ourselves to lend a hand.
LOL, not even close! I have proven certain facts for myself through experiment, nobody is holding me back in any way. "soon enough" has already happened as I said I have proven for myself what is fact and what is not through experiment, I have also proven the machine first posted in this thread does accelerate under load as fact---that is I have built and tested it. I am having trouble understanding all your hostility here when you refuse to prove the matter for yourself, when you refuse to even entertain the idea that there may be something you do not understand. I do not believe there is any conspiracy, I believe there are people who tow the party line that "there" beliefs will always hold true and are infallible. These people dismiss other persons beliefs without justification--- that is they will make absolutely no effort to prove the matter for themselves.
This is reminiscent of the wright brothers problems with the scientific community refusing to even entertain the idea that a heavier than air craft could fly. Nobel prize winning physicists wrote many papers stating for the record that what the wright brothers proposed was scientifically impossible and yet a couple of bicycle repairmen did the impossible. Can you imagine how stupid all the skeptics must have felt--- or did they tell everyone it was just a matter of time and in fact they had the same idea.
What also seems odd is that you refuse to debate the operation of the machine posted, instead you ridicule and call people names. You have offered no proof nor even an opinion as to why the machine posted here cannot work from a technical perspective.
Maybe we should stay on topic, but then again I think that is the last thing you want to do here.
It is part of an experiment, the other parts includes talking with many people to determine "why" they believe free energy is impossible or not and taking note of there answers.
I still don’t see an experiment.

The overwhelming majority state, the conservation of energy and "you can't get something for nothing". The oddity here is that few if any people can explain the conservation of energy in detail and they cannot explain where this "nothing" they speak of resides.
Conservation of energy is very simple: You only get out as much as you put in, but actually less, because some energy is wasted, e.g. as heat.

“Nothing” doesn’t reside anywhere. It’s nothing. It does not exist.

Name calling again? It seems very easy for you to judge people and continues to prove my point. I am a moderate skeptic, the difference here is that I make an effort to understand the other persons perspective and understand I could be wrong in many ways. I do not believe you will ever admit you could be incorrect in any way,shape or form. Another difference is that I perform actual experiments, that is I make an effort to prove for myself what is fact. You will never do one single experiment because it is pointless in your mind--you have decided the outcome before performing actual experiments--this does not sound very scientific to me.
You think you’re superior to me because you insist in doing an amateur experiment to prove/disprove to yourself something that has already been known and confirmed for more than a century. To call you ignorant and self righteous in light of that isn’t “name-calling”, it’s pointing out the obvious.

LOL, not even close! I have proven certain facts for myself through experiment, nobody is holding me back in any way. "soon enough" has already happened as I said I have proven for myself what is fact and what is not through experiment, I have also proven the machine first posted in this thread does accelerate under load as fact---that is I have built and tested it.
And interpreted the results the same way as whoever made the video. But that does not mean your interpretation is right.

I am having trouble understanding all your hostility here when you refuse to prove the matter for yourself, when you refuse to even entertain the idea that there may be something you do not understand.
Well that’s just the thing, isn’t it? I already have proven the matter for myself, and you “refuse to entertain the idea that there may be something you do not understand.”

I do not believe there is any conspiracy, I believe there are people who tow the party line that "there" beliefs will always hold true and are infallible. These people dismiss other persons beliefs without justification--- that is they will make absolutely no effort to prove the matter for themselves.
Because it’s already proven (and you’re wrong).

This is reminiscent of the wright brothers problems with the scientific community refusing to even entertain the idea that a heavier than air craft could fly.
As far as I know, they didn’t do that.

Nobel prize winning physicists wrote many papers stating for the record that what the wright brothers proposed was scientifically impossible
Saying that such papers were written doesn’t make it so. Show me.

What also seems odd is that you refuse to debate the operation of the machine posted, instead you ridicule and call people names.
You haven’t posted any machine. Just some hazy YouTube videos of one. I want technical drawings.

You have offered no proof nor even an opinion as to why the machine posted here cannot work from a technical perspective.
And you’ve offered no proof that or how it can.

Maybe we should stay on topic, but then again I think that is the last thing you want to do here.
So far you haven’t given us much of a topic to discuss.
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To proceed constructivly requires recalling a quotation I once read. An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary proof. And of course the burden of proof lies with the claimant.

To the many skeptics here----here is a good example of "doing it the right way" with replications to prove this fact.

A generator which accelerates under load, LOL, how original. The generator shown above is a good example of the new technologies which will utilize the electric force to improve efficiency. Quite simply--- Lenz's law has no application when energy is generated and stored as capacitance, an electric field. In the near future Mr.Heinz is going to realize that the HV coil can be precharged to any level by utilization of high voltage/high frequency impulses. He will also understand that there is no such thing as overunity, you cannot violate the conservation of energy. The supposed "extra" energy utilized was always present but we have never set the proper electrical conditions to utilize it.



"I am posting this here because I think old crankypants is going to kick some ass in the near future and we should help him in any way we can."allcanadian
This may just work.
**broken link removed**
Thank you for the input guys, this was quite a wake up call for me.LOL
You are right and I was wrong, I realize how nieve I was believing this technology has any place in the public forum. I think the patenting route is definitely the way to go for me, In any case I will leave you to argue among yourselves.
allcanadian said:
Thank you for the input guys, this was quite a wake up call for me.LOL
You are right and I was wrong, I realize how nieve I was believing this technology has any place in the public forum. I think the patenting route is definitely the way to go for me, In any case I will leave you to argue among yourselves.

No, not necessarily naive, you just don't understand the fundamentals...AT ALL. Consider this a parting gift from this pointless debate: learn what these equations mean, and remember them ANY and EVERY time someone tried to pitch this free energy/unity energy/perpetual motion (the terms go on ad nauseam) joke.

Until you can truly understand these equations, as applied to both open and closed systems, you will NEVER understand even the fundamentals of energy transfer. Note the word TRANSFER, not CREATION.

∑ Ein = ∑ Eout

Δ Esystem = Efinal - Einitial = E2 - E1

Δ E = ΔU + ΔKE + ΔPE; where:

ΔU = m(u2 - U1)
ΔKE = 1/2(V2² - V1²)
ΔPE = mg(z2 - z1)

These equations and further integrations, and derivatives of these equations, tell you everything you could ever want to know about E transfer.
Thank you for the input guys, this was quite a wake up call for me.LOL
You are right and I was wrong, I realize how nieve I was believing this technology has any place in the public forum. I think the patenting route is definitely the way to go for me, In any case I will leave you to argue among yourselves.

Who's arguing?

What is a "Hero" member on Overunity? Did you save a maiden?
**broken link removed**
Wow Awesomeoeo. Just like magic.
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Oh god. Somebody needs to teach that guy how to draw a circuit schematic. Or at least direct him to some free software to do it on computer.
Oh god. Somebody needs to teach that guy how to draw a circuit schematic. Or at least direct him to some free software to do it on computer.
Why? I think it is both artistic and illustrative. Keep up the good work Bill -- you should go far!
Would you believe me if I told you I could make something appear from nothing?

Do you believe in magic?

Energy is just like matter, it doesn't appear from nowhere.
I also think the whole water engine thing is a farce.... or fart. You can choose which.
I will admit, I love magnets, but magnets on a flywheel helps you nothing. You require quite a few magnets, quite a few carefully designed coils, and something really powerful to spin them really fast to get something out.

That something does not appear from thin air, it's a hell of a lot of energy going in.
Has anyone ever tried spinning a couple of disks full of magnets with stators & coils in between by hand.
It's useless. No matter how fast you try and go, the results are, to me any case, minuscule.
But..... I still like magnets.
I like water too.... but I believe it's better to drink it that try and combust it.
It really helps to take a wash with the stuff from time to time as well.
Hope I have given some valuable tips here.:)
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