Full power burning portable laser: 6 x 650nm x 3.7li-ion - will this work?

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New Member
Hello electronics forum members, i hope you are doing well,
I have been trying to build a laser for some time now. i first started off by buying 6 lithium ion ultrafire 18650's, rated at 3.7v at 2400mah, I then went about attempting to buy 200mw laser diodes so as to collamate them together.

this is where i am stuck? here is a picture of what i am trying to do - the aim is to have built a pretty cool laser-burning pointer the size of a remote.
i am using an old disposed of laptop battery.
here is a picture. I have all the tools needed to complete this - but for the laser diodes and the question of how to collamate them together,

**broken link removed**
Ummm...you are going to damage your eyes with that thing. ANy laser strong enough to burn anything will damage your eyes if you shine it on a dull, unshiny surface and look at the surface. You won't need to shiny directly into your eyes, or even a shiny surface.

Did I also mention it's illegal to have an uncertified, class IV laser? In fact, I think any unenclosed Class IV (ie. burning) laser is illegal...military R&D excluded.

Think now...planes pilots, car drivers, houses, trees, passerbyers...etc.
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