Just to give a bit more detail, in the bird picture I am about 15 years older that I am in my avatar picture, and I am now another 20 or so years older.
The conure liked to sit on my shoulder in the evenings when I was watching the TV.
There were two problems with that, a Patagonian Conure has a very loud shrieking call, and it was quite painful if it shrieked in my ear.
The second problem was that it seem to take great delight in evacuating its cloaca on me!
No image here as well.... Televised UK women's weightlifting competition commentary (80's or 90's, IIRC): "I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing"...
The funny pictures thread doesn't work properly for all forums. Because some people on forums like this tend to take life way too seriously and never smile or forget technical stuff when visiting a thread like this.
Nothing is funny for them unless somehow it's a technically related "funny" they can relate to or understand. Sad reality.