Funny Images Thread!

These **broken link removed** guys just made an FDA approved prosthetic arm. Note that Duct Tape is essential for rapid prototyping which is among their capabilities.

Here is the arm: **broken link removed**
Very cool. Impressive engineering and fabrication.

The fingernails are a most human touch and a testament to empathy of the developers.
The fingernails are a most human touch and a testament to empathy of the developers.

Or, maybe, non-declared claws, good in emergency situations, when everything else starts to fail. Millions of years ago, when dinosaurs had real 3D presence, they were used to struggle for life.
Mouse pad had to be that size or bigger .... to move the cursor from the left side of the left screen to the right side of the right screen.
Mouse pad had to be that size or bigger .... to move the cursor from the left side of the left screen to the right side of the right screen.

Oh yes. There is always the risk of an unbalanced arm development as time goes.

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