Funny Images Thread!

The guy that expertly hit it with his head. Boy must have had eyes in the back of his head to pick that shot up.
I just wanted to share this. Friday night with old friends from university gathering for sauna and fool around with this robot.. so much fun.
The robot has a camera on board and is controlled via wlan. Raspberry pi running linux etc. The white plastic parts are 3D printed. Notice the title of the obstacle book.
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Life without microcontrollers...
reminds me of my first design of a UART the year before MOT made one on a chip. Actually I never bread-boarded it... It just went from drawing to layout and build 1 board for a project.
All SSI and MSI CMOS Logic mid'70's

Then again of another project that failed. 24 cards on a backplane with 44 pins each all wire-wrapped in pretty aircraft style waxed-nylon wrapped bundles of 30 AWG wire and so much cross talk,talk talk....

I had to ask the girl to redo all the wirewrap. in shortest path , minimum crosstalk. .... oh dear. but that eventually shipped.
I'm almost finished reanimating my old Z80A wire-wrap board with an onboard PIC to provide program rom and data memory. Even at 2.6 MHz the signal lines are ringing like a door-bell.

New PIC wiring is in black with the original red wrap 'nest'.

I guess I should create a project thread on this site about it.
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