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Green energy, in a warmer climate, will it handle the extreme weather?

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But there is that other group that doesn't get represented either.
Those of us who want it to happen! :D
Some of us like the future forecasts and have no intention of letting global warming be prevented. :)

It may or may not be human induced but that doesn't mean that some of us are not trying very hard to push our personal CO2 and other green house gas emissions far higher to offset those who are cutting back.

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I recently picked up a 250K BTU fuel oil furnace burner and now my project will be devising a conversion kit for it to burn used oil. I burn wood mostly now but thats carbon neutral. If I burn used oils thats not! I my be able to increase my greenhouse gas emissions by a factor of 50 or more above what it is now just by changing heating fuel sources while still having decreased my personal efforts as well.
Win Win in my view!:)

By the way "Academies of Science" does not come up on a web search and "European Academy of Sciences and Arts is listed twice". I didn't bother checking the rest since a statistical analysis would strongly suggest that if 2 out of the first five are questionable and most of the rest have not been heard of in general public circles the rest of the list may not be of much higher credibility or accuracy as well.

You are not starting off with the sloppy homework already are you? :rolleyes:
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What annoys me is that I when I express my doubts about the climate change theory some label me a denier which implies that I know it's the truth but I'm not admitting it. Nothing gives them the right to say that because they don't know what I'm thinking, if they had evidence that I knew that anthropogenic climate change is real but I was lying about it then they would but they don't.

Anyway, I'm not saying we're not having an effect on the climate, it's just I don't believe that we are having the same impact as others suggest so you can't call me a denier anyway.

Exchanging insults such as denier, zealot, scam artist is pathetic and is why I left the other thread before it closed.
Academies of Science come up alot of a Google search. You're the one doing sloppy homework. And your sample size is way too small to make any statement about the statistics of the list. If you really did any homework, I might buy it, but you don't so you're once again the one being sloppy. I put the list together from a long article and made a single mistake in the copy/paste process. I defy you to prove the list isn't legitimate. Of course you won't, because you depend on narrow data to prove your mis-statements, and ignore large data sets that prove otherwise. Typical for you.

Oh BTW, the "Academies of Science" which you falsely claimed didn't show up on a web search... I grouped together a large international collection of academies to condense the list somewhat. Here is the list of national academies I used:

of Australia,
of Belgium,
of Brazil,
of Cameroon,
Royal Society of Canada,
of the Caribbean,
of China,
Institut de France,
of Ghana,
Leopoldina of Germany,
of Indonesia,
of Ireland,
Accademia nazionale delle scienze of Italy,
of India,
of Japan,
of Kenya,
of Madagascar,
of Malaysia,
of Mexico,
of Nigeria,
Royal Society of New Zealand,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
of Senegal,
of South Africa,
of Sudan,
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
of Tanzania,
of Turkey,
of Uganda,
The Royal Society of the United Kingdom,
of the United States,
of Zambia,
and of Zimbabwe.

Now tell us how many of those don't come up on a Google search.
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What annoys me is that I when I express my doubts about the climate change theory some label me a denier which implies that I know it's the truth but I'm not admitting it.

Exchanging insults such as denier, zealot, scam artist is pathetic and is why I left the other thread before it closed.

Another hypotritical rant from the denier sect:

The whiny greenies should shut up about CO2

It's prefectly fine when you write insulting comments about those who disagree, but you are sooooo bothered over the terminology they use. Tsk, tsk...
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You took that remark completely out of context. If you bothered to read the rest of the sentence then you'll discover that I said that lots carbon and methane would be released into the atmosphere if the waste were buried in landfill so they have no right to complain about CO2.

Your remark was also uncalled for because my remark was not directed at you or anyone else on this forum.

I don't have a problem with people being concerned about the environment. What annoys me are people who complain about one issue such as landfill so someone comes up a solution to combat the problem and they whine again, then they come up another solution and it gets shot down for some other reason.
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And so what? You are trying to claim that context makes insulting comments OK. As a concerned environmentalist, I find your name-calling insulting. If you want to clean up the rhetroic, then you should clean up your own.

Not everyone agrees with your "solution." Insulting them for that is just showing you're willing to do the things you complain about.
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And so what? You are trying to claim that context makes insulting comments OK. As a concerned environmentalist, I find your name-calling insulting. If you want to clean up the rhetroic, then you should clean up your own.

Not everyone agrees with your "solution." Insulting them for that is just showing you're willing to do the things you complain about.

All right, fair enough point taken.

So what do we do?

We can't burn waste.

Lots can be recycled but there's a lot which can't so do we just burn it?

How do we generate electricity?

We can't but burn fossil fuels to generate it so what about wind turbines?

The trouble is environmental campaigners block them too because of numerous concerns ranging from infra sound to birds.

The same goes for hydroelectric, tidal power, nuclear, biofuels etc.

I hope you can see my frustration?

Every method of generating power has some environmental impact which some people won't be happy with. The people that really annoy me are those who seem to be against any method of generating power, no matter how sustainable it is.

The reason why I am so concerned about validity of climate change, is because I am really concerned about the environment. If it turns out that burning CO2 does not have the climatic impact that many believe, or that the change in climate won't be as bad for the environment as many predict. There are all sorts of other bad things that humans might have done to the environment because of their blind faith in anthropogenic climate change. For example, if climate change theory is blindly followed and some crackpot's geoengineering could really mess up the environment, huge areas of land could be damaged by growing biofuels etc.
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There are all sorts of other bad things that humans might have done to the environment because of their blind faith in anthropogenic climate change. For example, if climate change theory is blindly followed and some crackpot's geoengineering could really mess up the environment, huge areas of land could be damaged by growing biofuels etc.

There exists possible extreme damage to the environment if we blindly follow the blind skeptics and blindly ignore the data that supports AGW, as the blind media types, blind right wing politicians, blind oil and gas industry tycoons and blind capitalists blindly want the public to be blind about.
Lol, I'm doing it again. :D

I suppose it's very hard not to when engaged in a passionate debate.

Of course it can by argued both ways, but I hope you can now see that I am sceptical for the right reasons. I don't think it's good to rely on oil, gas, coal etc because they're not sustainable. I just fear the environmental damage caused by people investing too much in anthropogenic global warming and should be cautious when looking for solutions.
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Actually, I agree with you. We should be cautious in everything we do. The stakes have never been higher.
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Another naturally occurring oddity that seems to have a strong and measurable periodic climate influence that the Canadians and northern US citizens may have seen and felt over the years. :)

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Where a we (the Earth) historicaly temperature wise? The facts might not agree with the alarmist's. The global warming shows that it is just starting to get us back where on track.
Chart from Climate History


  • globaltemp..jpg
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I've been saying this for sometime, the planet is returning to normal, and has little to do with man. Obviously, life was better and green in the past, and will be again. Plants thrive on warmth and CO2, which provide food for animals, include mankind. Just think, sustainable bio-fuel is going to become a suitable replacement, when we finally exhaust fossil fuels. All those fuel crops will be pulling CO2 from the air, correcting the CO2 surplus we get from burning it (and a few tires). Don't see the alarm or reason to fear, but then again, my 401k isn't invested in fossil fuels.

There won't be a competition between food crops, and fuel crops, like we are seeing now. If it wasn't so windy out, I'd light up my last three tires tonight, plenty cold enough. Can't remember Bike Week ever being cold like this. Definitely, something not right in this world, must be a sign from God...
If it wasn't so windy out, I'd light up my last three tires tonight, plenty cold enough.

Try a few old computer monitors and TV's some day! They are way better than tires! My boiler choked on them for a bit but in the end it still chewed them up and digested them anyway. :D

One of the more realistic issues of climate change is what time line should we use a s a normal referance? 500 years, 5000 years, 50000 years?

Had our civilization flourished and developed to where it is at now during the last ice age and had got to where we now stand just as it was ending what would the scientists had been saying at the time?
I think the climate nutters would be screaming that the world was ending and it was all our fault that all of that ice that has been around for thousands of years is melting.
There would have been massive glacial reductions, incredible sea level rises, and rapid temperature and weather changes happening on incredibly fast time frames that where many times greater than what they theorize to be todays changes.
They would probably have had a few a 'hockey stick' graphs showing how human populations are rapidly growing in the northern regions and thats proof that the glaciers are melting from it! ;)

But still obviously the planet survived and adapted and flourished any way. Plus incredible amounts of geological evidence supports that we still have a long ways to go to get to where the many of the climate peaks have been in the past. The facts are that the ocean levels have been much higher at times in the past and the average temps have been much higher at times as well. :)
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Something strange indeed is happing this winter; Canada is warmer than the eastern US. I was watching the weather report, and the temperature in Minneapolis was warmer than northern Alabama. Thus, the "inverted winter." But don't despair, although winter's icy fingers still try to hold us in its grip, we are slipping out of it. Last week, the temperature here cracked the 50's, and this week, the forecast is for temperatures to crack the 60's. Break out the 35SPF! I even got to grill out on my newly built deck last Sunday.

Ah, but civilization did not flourish during the ice age. There is probably a reason that it did during a 10,000 year period of relatively consistent climate. In fact, projections might show more rapid climate change than the end of the last ice age. But what is certain is that rapid change now has much more effect on earth's current inhabitants than it had any time before. Never before has so much infrastructure existed near the ocean. Never had agriculture been so important during rapid climate change. That could have a disastrous effect on mankind. Nobody knows for sure what effect climate change might have on the forces upon which agriculture depend. In former times, there have been upheavals in ag in Europe, and massive starvation. It's not impossible something like that could result.

And all those Canadians who have loved the warm winter are gonna hate it when the mass migration from southern lands to their neighborhoods begins in full force.
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As I was pointing out in my last post. Earth Knocked off it's Axis. I was looking for someone to point this out in the last part of the Article.

that it was able to knock the Earth off its axis by as much as three inches. Now while this change may seem like something that could be cause for concern, the axis shift is small and not expected to cause any major changes to climate or weather patterns says scientists.

The major tectonic shift and Earth mass redistribution caused by the quake has, however, shortened the day according to scientific computer models. But the good news is, there is no need to worry about changing clocks or watches anytime soon as the amount of daylight affected was only about 1.26 microseconds.

As scientists also point out, this is not the first time such a major earthquake has affected the Earth’s axis. Back in 2004, a 9.1 earthquake that hit the Indian Ocean reportedly shifted the planetary axis by as much as seven inches and shortened daylight by as much as 6.8 microseconds.

So, does this or doesn't this affect the increase or drift of the climate ?

How does any other thing yet expend itself or lend itself to the over all net effect
recorded in the shift of the earths axis.

Is there a connection is it a cause or is it an effect ?

The next member to start a thread on this topic can expect a holiday from this forum. This thread has gone worse than the last few threads on the same subject, several members have had infractions over there attitude in the past so this post will be the last on 'the global warming discussion'.

Threads of this nature take away the goodwill of the **** chat forum and the last thing members want is for it to disappear from the forum. No action will be taken resulting from this thread but try and start another one and see what happens...

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