'18f4431 20mhz INT REMOTE PWM IR 100522 1900
Define CONFIG1L = 0x00
Define CONFIG1H = 0x02
Define CONFIG2L = 0x0e
Define CONFIG2H = 0x20
Define CONFIG3L = 0x1c
Define CONFIG3H = 0x9d
Define CONFIG4L = 0x80
Define CONFIG4H = 0x00
Define CONFIG5L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG5H = 0xc0
Define CONFIG6L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG6H = 0xe0
Define CONFIG7L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG7H = 0x40
//File: servo_pwm_test_v2.C
//Author: robert jenkins
//Created On 09 May 2022, 09:45
//Better optimised version, more consistent Output timing And
//no timer Interrupt Or anything needed in main program section,
//beyond the initialisations.
//The main program loop can have delays Or wait loops,
//As Long As interrupts are never blocked.
Define SIMULATION_WAITMS_VALUE = 1 'Comment in for SIM out for PIC &
'At 20MHz, to figure a PWM frequency of 19.455kHz
#define CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 20
ANSEL0 = 0
ANSEL1 = 1
Dim index As Byte
Dim servo_times(8) As Word
Dim time_now As Word
Dim time_set As Word
Dim shift_reg As Byte
//With this timing, 1mS = 1000 counts;
//servo 1mS to 2mS = 1000 to 2000,
//with 1500 as mid point.
//For demonstration, I'm setting the servo times
//to various fixed values.
//Set them from your program as needed.
servo_times(0) = 1500 //Port bit 0, Mid position
servo_times(1) = 1100 //Port bit 1, Near min position
servo_times(2) = 1900 //Port bit 2, Near max position
servo_times(3) = 1300 //Port bit 3, Under mid position
servo_times(4) = 1700 //Port bit 4, Over mid position
servo_times(5) = 1200 //Port bit 5, etc
servo_times(6) = 1800 //Port bit 6
servo_times(7) = 1400 //Port bit 7
TRISC = 0 //Port C all outputs
TRISB = 0 //Port C all outputs'CHANGED &
T1CON = 0x31 //8:1, switch on
//Without an output pin defined, just an interrupt from CCP
CCP1CON = 0x02 //ccp_compare_toggle
//And enable the interrupts for the hardware used
//the reference for CCP1, so no time interrupt required.
//Main loop
Toggle RD0 'Toggle LED
WaitMs 500
//Nothing needed here for servos, it's all in the CCP interrupt.
//Rest of the program here onwards.
Goto loop
On High Interrupt
shift_reg = ShiftLeft(shift_reg, 1) //Shift the bit left one place.
//shift_reg = shift_reg + shift reg would do the same.
'LATC = shift_reg //Write the shift register bits to the port
LATB = shift_reg //Write the shift register bits to the port CHANGED &
//Increment index for next servo time value
index = index + 1
If index < 8 Then //All servos already done?
//No, do next servo
//Set the duration for this output, as a new offset
//from the last compare time.
time_set = time_set + servo_times(index)
CCPR1L = time_set.LB //Write the compare time to CCP 1 register.
CCPR1H = time_set.HB
//No output needed as the port is already updated.
//output_c(0); // Turn off all servo bits.
//restarting the sequence.
time_set = time_set + 1500 //add 1.5mS for the next interrupt
//Update CCP
CCPR1L = time_set.LB //Write the compare time to CCP 1 register.
CCPR1H = time_set.HB
If index > 15 Then
//15 * average 1.5mS = 22.5mS, a reasonable frame repeat time
//Set up for a new sequence
index = 0
shift_reg = 1 //Set a bit that will be at port bit 0.
time_now.LB = TMR1L //Get the timer present count
time_now.HB = TMR1H
time_set = time_now + servo_times(index) //And set the first duration
'LATC = shift_reg //Write the shift register bits to the port CHANGED &
LATB = shift_reg //Write the shift register bits to the port
CCPR1L = time_set.LB //Write the compare time to CCP 1 register.
CCPR1H = time_set.HB