help about ADC0808 - DAC0808

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New Member
I need a little help about a mini project (ADC then DAC) using ADC0808 then DAC0808...
I connected every thing (just as in the picture) >>>part 1 ADC0808 ...
**broken link removed**
but I have been told that I need clock 550 KHz (some one told me It will work from 500 to 650 KHz)...
can I generate it with NE555 ?
And what is the "Crystal" & "frequency divider" ?

Drawing make an easy understanding for me (If possible) ...^_^...

Look at this image for the input clocking range.

A 555 timer configured as a astable would be ok for this application, say at 500kHz

You dont need a crystal or dividers.


  • AAesp04.gif
    3.9 KB · Views: 819

But I cant see the picture for some-why , can you upload it again?...^_^...
The frequency of 555 f=1/T=1/0.7(RA+2RB)C , can I use a ceramic capacitor with 555 or it must be electrolytic one?...
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